(A)   Commercial and industrial sites, developed or modified, shall be approved by the New Lebanon Planning Board. Site plans shall include parking areas, interior traffic aisles and controls, building locations, ingress/egress, landscaping, lighting, signage, location of waste removal and related screening, sidewalks and pedestrian ways, curbs, gutters, and stormwater management systems, as well as related off-site improvements, such as turn lanes and traffic signal modifications.
   (B)   Traffic impact study. In addition to related off-site improvements, a Traffic Impact Study, conducted by a traffic/transportation engineer as defined in the State of Ohio Uniform Manual of Traffic Control Devices and reviewed by the Municipal Traffic Engineer, may be required to determine what, if any, infrastructure improvements may be needed at adjacent intersections and the affected roadway system. The Traffic Impact Study shall make a recommendation as to cost showing any of the improvements based on benefit or other pertinent factors.
(Ord. 97-10, passed 3-18-97)