(A)   Any use permitted in § 152.111. The required conditions of § 152.125 shall be applicable.
   (B)   Any industrial activity, such as those enumerated below, which fulfills all the requirements of §§ 152.120 through 152.129:
      (1)   Asphalt or asphalt product manufacturing.
      (2)   Boiler shops.
      (3)   Bulk storage of chemicals, except as applicable under § 152.123.
      (4)   Celluloid or cellulose products manufacturing.
      (5)   Cement, lime, or lime products manufacturing.
      (6)   Chemical product compounding, processing, and manufacturing, except as applicable under § 152.123.
      (7)   Coke oven.
      (8)   Concrete mixing plants.
      (9)   Drop-forge plants.
      (10)   Fat rendering.
      (11)   Fertilizer manufacturing.
      (12)   Foundries and foundry products.
      (13)   Garbage or offal reduction or transfer.
      (14)   Glue manufacturing.
      (15)   Incinerators.
      (16)   Petroleum refining plants.
      (17)   Rubber manufacturing from crude or scrap material or the manufacturing of articles therefrom.
      (18)   Sawing and planing mills.
      (19)   Soap and detergent manufacturing from raw materials.
      (20)   Slaughterhouses.
      (21)   Stone products processing and manufacturing.
      (22)   Trucking and motor freight terminals.
('80 Code, § 152.121) (Ord. 94-14, passed 7-5-94)