(A)   Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures customarily incidental to any aforesaid permitted use, provided that the accessory uses shall not involve outdoor storage or the conduct of any business, trade, or industry, or any private way or walk giving access to such activity. Such accessory uses, buildings, or structures may include the following:
      (1)   Private garages or carports, as regulated in § 152.194;
      (2)   A completely enclosed structure for storage incidental to a permitted use, as regulated in § 152.194;
      (3)   A guest house (without kitchen facilities) or rooms for guests in an accessory building, provided that such facilities are used for the occasional housing of guests of the occupants of the principal building and not as rental units or for permanent occupancy;
      (4)   A swimming pool, as regulated in § 152.190;
      (5)   A child's playhouse, a tree house, or a birdhouse;
      (6)   Statuary, arbors, trellises, barbecue equipment, flagpoles, fences, play equipment, nonmechanical laundry drying equipment, walls, and hedges; and
      (7)   Fallout or storm shelters.
   (B)   Home occupation, as regulated in § 152.192.
   (C)   Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction work, which buildings shall be removed on the completion or abandonment of the construction work.
   (D)   Off-street parking, as regulated in §§ 152.230 through 152.237.
   (E)   Accessory signs, as regulated in §§ 152.205 through 152.222.
('80 Code, § 152.052) (Ord. 94-14, passed 7-5-94) Penalty, see § 152.999