For purposes of this chapter, certain terms and words are defined as follows:
ANTENNA. Any panel, whip, dish, or other apparatus designed for communications through the sending and receiving of electromagnetic waves, excluding any antenna support structure other than brackets.
(1) ANTENNA, PERSONAL USE. Any antenna and earth satellite dishes designed only to receive AM and FM radio, CB radio, television, and satellite television broadcast transmissions and receive and transmit amateur radio signals, for the use, and enjoyment of the property owner. Such uses are an accessory use of the property and shall be governed by provisions specified in this Chapter and Chapter 152.
ANTENNA SUPPORT STRUCTURE. Any building or other structure other than a tower which can be used for location of wireless telecommunications facilities.
CHANNEL. The segment of the radiation spectrum from an antenna which carries one signal. An antenna may radiate on many channels simultaneously.
CO-LOCATION. The use of a tower or antenna support structure by more than one wireless telecommunications provider.
DBM. Unit of measure of the power level of an electromagnetic signal expressed in decibels referenced to 1 milliWatt.
EMF. Electromagnetic Frequency Radiation.
MONITORING PROTOCOL. An approved testing protocol as defined in the most current FCC regulations. As of August 15, 1997, the most current practice is referenced in FCC Regulations, Title 47, Part 1, Section 1. 1 307 as IEEE C95.1-1992.
MONOPOLE. A support structure constructed as a single, self-supporting hollow metal tube securely anchored to a foundation.
TOWER. A self-supporting, monopole, or guyed structure constructed from grade which supports wireless telecommunications facilities. The term tower shall not include amateur radio operator's equipment, as licensed by the FCC.
WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY (WTF). Any cables, wires, tines, wave guides, antenna(s) and any other equipment or facilities associated with the transmission or reception of communications at a particular site as authorized by the FCC which a person seeks to locate or have installed upon a tower or antenna support structure. However, the term wireless telecommunications facilities shall not include:
(1) Any satellite earth station antenna two meters in diameter or less which is located in an area zoned industrial or commercial.
(2) Any satellite earth station antenna one meter or less in diameter, regardless of zoning category.
(3) Antennas used by amateur radio operators.
(4) Antennas used as an accessory use of a property for the purpose of receiving AM and FM radio transmissions and television transmissions. Such antennas shall not exceed the lesser of the following:
(a) Height of the existing principal structure by 20 feet.
(b) Maximum height of the zoning district by 20 feet.
(Ord. 98-11, passed 5-19-98)