(A) The Code Enforcement Administrator shall notify the owner when the grass/weeds exceed the height of seven inches. Such notice shall specify that weeds shall be cut thereafter without further notice or publication in order to prevent spreading, maturing or exceeding seven inches in height.
(B) When any person being the owner, lessee, agent, or tenant having charge of the lands mentioned in division (A) hereof, fails to comply with the notice set forth in such notice, the Code Enforcement Administrator or his/her designee shall cause such weeds to be cut and destroyed and may employ the necessary labor to perform such task. All expense incurred shall, when approved by the Village Manager, be paid out of any money in the village treasury not otherwise appropriated.
(C) The Village Manager or his/her designee shall make a written return to the County Auditor with a statement of charges for service in cutting such weeds, together with a proper description of the premises. Such amounts shall be entered upon the tax duplicate, shall constitute a lien upon such lands from the date of the entry, and shall be collected as other taxes and returned to the village with the general fund.
(D) Whenever any tree, plant or shrubbery or part thereof or weeds and grass are growing in any street, public place, or upon private property contiguous to a street or sidewalk or public place, and is trimmed or removed by the village, then, after the work is done, the village shall give five days notice, by regular mail, to the owner of such lot or parcel of land at his last known address to pay the cost of such trimming or removal of trees, plants, shrubbery, grass or weeds or parts thereof. Notice shall be accompanied by a statement of the amount of cost incurred, including an administrative fee of $25 as set forth by the city municipal code and in the event the same is not paid within 30 days after the mailing of the notice then such amount shall be certified to the County Auditor for collection the same as other taxes and assessments to be collected.
(E) In the event a owner, tenant, renter, lessee, or other person having possession of the subject premises, does not trim or remove any tree, plant, or shrubbery, or any part thereof, in accordance with the provisions of this section, then the Code Enforcement Administrator or his/her designee is authorized and it is declared to be their duty to have enforced the provisions of this section and to cause to be trimmed or remove such tree, plant, or shrubbery or part thereof, and cut and remove all grass and weeds.
(Ord. 2019-02, passed 6-18-19) Penalty, see § 96.99