A permit shall not be issued until the designated fees have been paid. The schedule of permit fees shall be as follows:
   (A)   Place of assembly.
      (1)   50 - 299 seating capacity   $ 10.00
      (2)   300 - 999 seating capacity   20.00
      (3)   1000 or more seating capacity   30.00
   (B)   Liquified Petroleum Gas.
      (1)   Storage Tanks (water capacity)
         (a)   Less than 125 gallons   $ 2.00
         (b)   125 - 250 gallons   2.00
         (c)   251 - 500 gallons   4.00
         (d)   501 - 2000 gallons   5.00
         (e)   2001 - 30,000 gallons   10.00
         (f)   30,001 - 70,000 gallons   20.00
         (g)   70,001 - 90,000 gallons   30.00
         (h)   90,001 - 120,000 gallons   40.00
      (2)   Vaporizer   10.00
      (3)   Surge Tank   5.00
      (4)   Compressor   5.00
   (C)   All other permits required by the Unified Fire Code   10.00
('80 Code, § 97.26) (Ord. 80-07, passed 6-3-80)