(A) The Tax Incentive Review Council (TIRC) is an inter-jurisdictional body created to review and evaluate the performance of each Enterprise Zone Agreement. This is an advisory body only. The TIRC is charged to review annually each Enterprise Zone Agreement and decide whether the business(es) has/have not complied with the terms and conditions of the agreement. Upon review, the TIRC must make a formal written recommendation to the Municipal Council on whether the agreement should be continued, modified or canceled.
(B) The following positions and/or individuals are hereby appointed to the Tax Incentive Review Council:
(1) The Mayor, Municipal Manager and Assistant to the Municipal Manager;
(2) Three members appointed by the Montgomery County Commission;
(3) The Montgomery County Auditor or his or her designee;
(4) An individual appointed by the New Lebanon Board of Education; and,
(5) An individual appointed by the Board of the Miami Valley Career Technology Center.
(C) At least two members of the TIRC must be residents of the municipality.
(Res. 2000-41, passed 9-19-00)
Statutory reference:
Minimum composition of TIRC, see R.C. § 5709.85