No parking is permitted in the following areas:
Berwick Lane
North side
From the east curb line of Heine Court to a point located 80 feet east of the centerline of the intersection of Berwick Lane and Heine Court
Berwick Lane
North side
From the west curb line of Heine Court to a point located 75 feet west from the centerline of the intersection of Berwick Lane and Heine Court
West side
From 568 feet north of the north R/W line of the Norfolk Southern to 838 feet north of the north R/W line of the Norfolk Southern
Brookwood Drive
Both sides
Between State Highway 930 and Courtney Drive
Center Street
Both sides
From Oak Street to High Street
College Street
East side
Between Lincoln Highway and Elm Street
College Street
West side
From State Highway 930 to Park Avenue
Courtney Drive
Both sides
Between Brookwood and Melbourne
Courtney Drive
South side
From Campton Drive to east terminus
Declaration Drive
Both sides
From west edge of Doyle Road to a point located 295 feet west of the west edge of Doyle Road
Declaration Drive
Both sides
From a point located 770 feet west of the west edge of Doyle Road to a point located 875 feet west of the west edge of Doyle Road
Doyle Road
Both sides
From the centerline of Highway U.S. 30 at Doyle Road south to a point located at the centerline of the intersection of Moeller Road and Doyle Road (both points being the current city limits)
Eben Street
West side
From Rose Avenue to the southern terminus of Eben Street at the north right-of-way line of the Norfolk Southern Railway
Edwards Street
East side
Estella Avenue
Both sides
Garden Street
West side
From Lincoln Highway to Elm Street
Glencoe Boulevard
North side
From Highland Terrace Drive to the Jury Park property line
Green Road
Both sides
From State Highway 930 to Seiler Road
Green Street
Both sides
State Highway 930 to Rose Avenue
Hartzell Street
North side
From Broadway to Green Street
Henry Street
Both sides
North of Rose Avenue
Henry Street
East side
From Middle Street to Railroad Street
Henry Street
East side
From Summit Street to Main Street
Henry Street
West side
From the northern right-of-way line of the Norfolk Southern Railroad to Summit Street and from Main Street to Rose Avenue
Homestead Drive
East side
From Park Avenue to State Highway 930
Homestead Drive
West side
Between Lincoln Highway and Park Avenue
Isabelle Drive
Both sides
Keller Drive
East side
From Lincoln Highway to State Highway 930
Kirkmore Drive
North side
Koehlinger Drive
West side
Landin Road
Both sides
Lincoln Highway
Both sides
From junction with State Highway 930 east to city limits
Main Street
South side
From the west curb of Henry Street to a point 157 feet west thereof
Maumee Road
North side
From Meyer Road to Estella Avenue
McConnell Drive
Both sides
Melbourne Drive
West side
Middle Street
Both sides
Between Broadway and Ann Street
Minnich Road
Both sides
Mourey Street
East side
From Center Street to State Highway 930
Mourey Street
West side
From Park Avenue to State Highway 930
Morris Street
South side
Nelson Road
Both sides
New Haven Avenue
Both sides
Between State Highway 930 and Meyer Road
North Rufus Street
East side
From the north curb line of Rose Avenue to the intersection of Paul Stemmler Parkway
Oak Street
East side
From Lincoln Highway to State Highway 930
Park Boulevard
Both sides
Between Williams Street and Edwards Street
Park Boulevard
North side
East of Green Street
Pinestone Drive
West side
From Seiler Road to Dension Lane
Powers Street
Both sides
Prospect Avenue
North side
100 feet east of the east curb of Edwards Street
Prospect Avenue
North side
107 feet west from the west curb of Williams Street
Railroad Street
North side
Between Eben Street and Ann Street
Rose Avenue
Both sides
Rufus Street
East side
From Bell Avenue to Powers Street
Rufus Street
East side
From the north curb line of Road Avenue to a point 370 feet north
Rufus Street
East side
From Seward Street to Rose Avenue
Rufus Street
West side
For 110 feet north of the north curb of Rose Avenue
Scarborough Drive
West side
Between Moeller and Stockbridgeway
Scott Street
East side
Between Powers Street and Rose Avenue
Scott Street
East side
Between Bell Avenue and Powers Street
Seward Street
North side
Between Rufus Street and Ann Street
Seward Street
South side
Between Rufus Street and Scott Street
Sherbrook Drive
West side
South Maplecrest Road
Both sides
South Street
North side
Sturm Street
West side
From Lincoln Highway to State Highway 930
Summit Street
Both sides
From Ann Street to east terminus of Summit Street
Summit Street
South side
Between Broadway and Ann Street
Union Street
Both sides
East of Green Street
Williams Street
Both sides
Woodmere Drive
East side
(Prior Code, Ch. 71, Schd. II) (Res. R-00-4, passed 11-21-2000; Ord. G-00-13, passed 12-12-2000; Res. R-09-01, passed 5-5-2009; Res. R-10-01, passed 5-3-2010; Res. R-11-01, passed 8-12-2011; Res. R-12-01, passed 4-3-2012; Res. R-16-02, passed 6-7-2016; Res. R-16-04, passed 8-2-2016; Ord. G-21-26, passed 12-7-2021) Penalty, see § 70.999