(A)   License required. No person shall engage in seated massage services, as defined in § 119.02 of this chapter, without first securing a massage therapist license from the City Clerk, or his or her designee, and paying the fee therefor.
   (B)   Requirements necessary for a license. Seated massage, as defined in § 119.02 of this chapter, may be performed at a massage establishment or off-site; provided, it meets the following conditions.
      (1)   Seated massage shall only be offered at a commercial or industrial place of business and only for employees and/or patrons of that business.
      (2)   Seated massage shall be offered in a public area only, to which all patrons or employees are provided free access.
      (3)   Chairs/seats used for seated massage shall be constructed of non-porous, easily cleanable materials and shall be cleaned and sanitized after each use. Any openings, splits or tears shall be repaired before the next use.
   (C)   Fee. A person who is required by the provisions of this section to obtain a permit shall pay to the city the fee established by resolution. Copies of such ordinance or resolution shall be on file in the office of the City Clerk for review.
(Ord. 760, passed 3-9-2016) Penalty, see § 119.99