(A)   No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral or other authorized procession while they are in motion and when the vehicles are conspicuously designated.
   (B)   This provision shall not apply at intersections where traffic is controlled by traffic- control signals or police officers.
   (C)   Each driver in a funeral or other similar form of procession shall follow the vehicle ahead as close as is safe and practicable.
   (D)   A funeral procession shall be identified as such by the display upon the outside of each vehicle, or a pennant, or other identifying insignia, or by another method as may be determined and designated by the Chief of Police.
   (E)   (1)   No funeral procession or parade containing 50 or more vehicles or 200 or more persons, except state or federal military forces, shall march, occupy or proceed along any publicly- dedicated or used street or right-of-way in the city, unless the person or persons responsible for the procession or parade has first applied for and received a processional permit from the Chief of Police, or his or her designated representative.
      (2)   The cost for the permit shall be $10.
(2002 Code, § 70.10) Penalty, see § 70.99