   Not more than one unit may be connected per meter and sewer tap. No customer shall make or permit to be made any subsidiary connection of another’s unit with his or her water service.
(2002 Code, § 52.07) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to turn the water on to any premises from the municipal water system, except by permission of the Public Works Authority. Water shall not be turned on until the plumbing has been inspected and approved by Public Works Authority or the Building Inspector and until any and all deposits and charges have been paid.
   (B)   The city will see that the water is turned on when all requirements for service have been complied with.
(2002 Code, § 52.08) Penalty, see § 10.99
   (A)   The water rates to be charged for water from the municipal water system shall be prescribed by motion or resolution adopted by the City Council and the Public Works Authority. The rates may be classified by whether the water is used by residential customers or commercial customers, by customers within or without the city and/or by other reasonable classifications.
   (B)   In addition to the rates charged under division (A) above, and any other fees as may be assessed under this chapter, there is hereby established a "water meter fee" to be assessed on all monthly water utility account billing statements in the amounts as follows, corresponding to the size of water meter used or required on each account, for the maintenance or replacement of water meters on all residential, commercial, or industrial accounts charged:
Meter Size
Rate Per Month
Meter Size
Rate Per Month
5/8 in. meter
1-in. meter
2-in. meter
3-in. meter
4-in. meter
6-in. meter
8-in. meter
   (C)   Water meter fees, at the rates shown in division (B), shall be assessed in addition to charges prescribed in any water resale agreements between the Newcastle Public Works Authority and/or the City of Newcastle with any other entity or municipality where the meter used is the property of the Newcastle Public Works Authority or the City of Newcastle.
   (D)   In the event of use of a meter size not shown in the table in division (B) above, or in the table as amended, the monthly water meter fee charged shall be that for the meter size shown in the table that most closely corresponds to the actual meter size used.
   (E)   The water meter fees established herein shall not be prorated and may be adjusted by the Newcastle City Council by ordinance, or by motion or joint resolution adopted by the Newcastle Public Works Authority and the Newcastle City Council.
(2002 Code, § 52.09) (Ord. 943, passed 5-8-2023)
   (A)   All bills for water service shall be due and payable on the first day of the calendar month following the service month when the service was rendered. They shall become delinquent if not paid on or before the tenth day of the month in which they become due, and the service will be shut off, consistent with notice requirements.
   (B)   Bills rendered when service is discontinued, shall be due and payable at the time the bills are presented or sent to the customer.
   (C)   (1)   In the event of a billing dispute involving the request of the customer to reread, test or to replace a water meter, and the prior reading is determined to be accurate, or the meter tested is determined to be accurate, or the customer requests the replacement of a meter that has been tested as accurate, the following charges shall apply and be paid by the customer:
         (a)   Thirty dollars for re-reading an individual meter;
         (b)   One hundred dollars for the testing of an individual meter; and
         (c)   Three hundred dollars for the replacement of an individual meter.
      (2)   No charge shall be made if, upon re- reading a meter, the prior reading of the customer’s meter is found to be inaccurate. Additionally, if, upon testing, the customer’s meter proves to be faulty, no charge shall be made for the testing or the replacement of the faulty meter.
(2002 Code, § 52.10) (Ord. 448-A, passed 2-14-2000; Ord. 671, passed 1-9-2012)
   (A)   Water may be cut off and service discontinued for any user for any of the following reasons:
      (1)   Violation of any ordinance or resolution provision relating to the water system, or violation of any ordinance or resolution provision or any provision of any code adopted by reference relating to water and sanitary plumbing; or
      (2)   Failure to pay a water bill or other proper charge in connection with the water system by the time specified by ordinance or resolution.
   (B)   Water may also be cut off for any act or omission in regard to the water system or sanitary sewer system, the use of water or the disposal of liquid wastes, which jeopardizes the public health or safety, creates a public nuisance or interferes with the rights of others.
(2002 Code, § 52.11)
   (A)   When a customer’s water service has been cut off because of delinquency or act or omission of the customer, as provided by ordinance or resolution, it may be turned on again only during normal working hours, and only when all charges have been paid or other change in the conditions justify it.
   (B)   A charge of $35 shall be made for turning the water on again.
(2002 Code, § 52.12)
   (A)   As used herein, a BACK FLOW PREVENTOR is defined as a valve or series of valves that, in the opinion of the Building Inspector or the designated representative of the Public Works Authority, will prevent the back flow of water and contaminants from a lawn sprinkler system into the water system network from which the water originally entered the lawn sprinkler system.
   (B)   The back flow preventor shall be placed at the beginning of the lawn sprinkler system, immediately after the system branches off the service line, and approved by the Building Inspector or the designated representative of the Public Works Authority, before the system is placed in operation.
   (C)   The lawn sprinkler system shall not be used for the delivery of water to any external faucet or outlet other than the lawn sprinklers themselves, and the system shall be designed and installed so that no use of the water entering the lawn sprinkler system may be had other than the release of water through the installed sprinkler heads.
(2002 Code, § 52.13)