(A)   General.
      (1)   A certain document, two copies of which are on file in the office of the Planning and Community Development Department, being marked and designated as the International Residential Code (IRC), being particularly the latest edition thereof and each subsequent edition upon approval and adoption by the Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission (OUBCC) as published by the International Code Council, be and is hereby adopted, in its entirety, as the Residential Code of the city, except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, modified, or amended by this code or the OUBCC, for regulating and governing the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, location, removal and demolition of detached one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories in height with separate means of egress as provided herein; providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; and each and all of the regulations, provisions, penalties, conditions and terms of said Residential Code on file in the office of Planning and Community Development Department, are hereby referred to, adopted, and made a part hereof; as if fully set out herein.
      (2)   The city hereby adopts the following International Residential Code Appendices, being particularly the latest edition thereof and each subsequent edition, as governing law controlling except as to such portions as are specifically amended or deleted in this chapter, and except as to such matters as may be provided for in other ordinances or in the rules and regulations authorized under provision of this code and other codes of the city:
         (a)   Appendix E, Manufactured Housing Used as Dwellings.
         (b)   Appendix G, Flood-Resistant Construction.
         (c)   Appendix H, Patio Covers.
         (d)   Appendix J, Existing Buildings and Structures.
         (e)   Appendix M, Home Daycare.
         (f)   Appendix Q, Tiny Houses.
         (g)   Appendix T, Solar-Ready Provisions.
      (3)   The city hereby adopts the following Oklahoma Uniform Building Code Commission Appendices, being particularly the latest edition thereof and each subsequent edition, as governing law controlling except as to such portions as are specifically amended or deleted in this chapter, and except as to such matters as may be provided for in other ordinances or in the rules and regulations authorized under provision of this code and other codes of the city:
         (a)   Appendix, X, Residential Tornado Provisions.
   (B)   International Code Council amendments to IRC. The International Residential Code adopted is hereby amended as set forth in the following:
      (1)   Subsection R101.1 is amended by inserting the phrase, “The City of Newcastle, Oklahoma” in lieu of the phrase, “(name of jurisdiction)”.
      (2)   Section R103 is amended by inserting the phrase, “Planning and Community Development Department” in lieu of the phrase, “Department of Building Safety”.
      (3)   Subsection R103.1 shall be deleted.
      (4)   Subsection R103.2 is amended to read as follows:
         “R103.2 Appointment. The City Manager or his designee(s) shall be responsible for the enforcement of this Code. To assist in the performance of the responsibilities and duties placed upon the City, a building official may be designated by the City Manager.”0
      (5)   Subsection R103.3 is amended to read as follows:
         “R103.3 Deputies. The City Manager shall have the authority to appoint deputy building officials, the related technical officers, inspectors, plan examiners and other employees. Such employees shall have powers as delegated by the City Manager or Planning and Community Development Director. For the maintenance of existing properties, see the International Property Maintenance Code.”
      (6)   Subsection R105.1 is amended by adding the following language at the end of the subsection:
         “No new permits shall be issued to a permit holder who has unpaid fees on any current permit.”
      (7)   Section R112.1 is amended to read as follows:
         “112.1 General. Appeals of orders, decisions or determinations made by the building official relative to the application and interpretation of this code shall be heard by the Newcastle City Council.”
      (8)   Section R113.3 shall be deleted.
      (9)   Subsection R113.4 is amended to read as follows:
         “R113.4 Violation penalties. Penalties shall be set forth in Section § 10.99 of the Newcastle Code of Ordinances.”
   (C)   Newcastle amendments to IRC. The following paragraphs identify amendments to adopted codes. In lieu of the amendments, stamped and signed plans by an Oklahoma certified engineer may be accepted for consideration of approval:
      (1)   Footings.
         (a)   Standard Newcastle Footing R403.
            1.   Four bars of rebar that are 1/2 inch (#4); or
            2.   Ttwo bars of rebar that are 5/8 inch (#5) or greater.
      (2)   Stem walls.
         (a)   Standard Newcastle Stem Wall.
            1.   Two bars of rebar that are 1/2 inch (#4); or
            2.   One bar of rebar that is 5/8 inch (#5) or greater.
      (3)   Slabs and foundations.
         (a)   Standard Newcastle Slab.
            1.   Where load bearing walls are located, a minimum thickened slab 6 inches deep by 12 inches wide with two rebar that are 1/2 inch (#4) or greater will be required.
            2.   Monolithic, Pier and Beam, and Post Tension foundations must be designed and stamped by an Oklahoma certified engineer.
      (4)   Framing.
         (a)   The City of Newcastle will follow the aforementioned IRC and reference codes of the American Wood Council (AWC) and the Canadian Wood Council (CWC) with the following amendments:
            1.   The use of any lumber to be used as a ridge beam (main, hip, or valley) shall have a stamp grade of #2 or better.
            2.   The use of any lumber to be used as a stud (bearing and non-bearing) shall have a stamp grade of #2 or better and be placed a minimum of 16 inches on center.
               A.   Any stud greater than 12 feet or greater shall be a 2 x 6 or better and shall have a stamp grade of #2 or better and be a minimum of 16 inches on center.
            3.   The use of any lumber to be used as a rafter shall have a stamp grade of #2 or better.
            4.   The use of any lumber to be used as a ceiling joist shall have a stamp grade of #3 or better.
            5.   The use of any lumber to be used as a support brace (purlin, single brace, t-brace, strut, etc.) shall follow the below guidelines. No support brace will be accepted unless braced off an approved method (bearing wall or beam). For example, not off a ceiling joist or a board running across several ceiling joists.
               A.   Any brace eight (8) feet or under in length and spaced four (4) feet apart may be a single 2 x 4 brace with a stamped grade of utility or better.
               B.   Any brace eight (8) feet or under in length and spaced eight (8) feet apart may be a single 2 x 4 brace with a stamp grade of #2 or better.
               C.   Any brace greater than eight (8) feet in length must be a T-Brace with the support brace being a minimum 2 x 6 with stamp grade of utility or better. The support brace can be a utility grade or better 2 x 4.
               D.   Any brace greater than eight (8) feet in length and spaced eight (8) feet apart must be a T-brace with the primary brace a minimum 2 x 6 with a stamp grade of #2 or better. The support brace can be a utility grade or better 2 x 4.
               E.   When at any time there are two (2) or more braces that come to a single point on the top plate there shall be a supporting stud at, or near, said point (inspector discretion).
            6.   All beams, girders, headers, rim boards, and the like shall be designed in accordance with the IRC, AWC, and CWC standards.
            7.   Utility grade lumber may be used in all other applications not listed in § 150.11(C)(1) through (6).
            8.   Nail plates shall be required for all types of pipe, including steel.
      (5)   Building finals.
         (a)   All residentially zoned R-F-1, R-F-2, R-F-3, and R-F-4 districts shall be completely sodded.
         (b)   All residentially zoned E-1, E-2, E-3, R-MH-1, and R-MH-2 districts shall completely sod all drainage facilities. The entire front yard and the first 25 feet of the rear and side yard of the main structure shall be sodded. All other disturbed areas shall be covered with approved vegetative cover as referenced in.
         (c)   All agriculturally zoned lots shall have vegetative cover on all disturbed areas.
         (d)   The Planning and Community Development Director has t0he authority to determine final sodding requirements.
   (D)   Newcastle amendments to OUBCC adopted appendices. Appendix X, Residential Tornado Provisions with amendments.
      (1)   This appendix has been newly created and entitled “Residential Tornado Provisions.” The provisions contained in this appendix are not mandatory unless specifically referenced in the adopting ordinance or order.
      (2)   Y101 Scope. This section heading has been added to specify the sections of this appendix that deal with the Scope of the appendix. This section header has been added to read: Y101. Scope.
      (3)   Section Y101.1 General. This section has been added to clarify the provisions shall be applicable for new construction. This section has been added to read: Y101.1 General. These provisions shall be applicable for new construction where residential tornado provisions are required. This appendix provides prescriptive based requirements for construction of a residential structure meeting or exceeding a 135-mph wind event corresponding to an EF-2 55 tornado rating. The single most important objective in protecting a structure against high wind is achieving a continuous load path from the roof to the foundation. Based on the findings of studies and failures associated with various construction types, a group of 11 building practices (each associated with a different aspect of the structure) are summarized in this section.
      (4)   Section Y101.2 Application. This section has been added to clarify the administrative provisions of this appendix are applicable in the administrative and building planning and construction requirements in Chapters 1 through 10 of this code. The section has been added to read: Section Y101.2 Application. In addition to the general administration requirements of Chapter 1, the administrative provisions of this appendix shall also apply to the building planning and construction requirements of Chapters 1 through 10.
      (5)   Section Y101.3 Wind design criteria. This section has been added to clarify that if Section R301.2.1 is modified, the buildings and portions thereof shall be constructed in accordance with the code and the ultimate wind speed design of 135 mph. This section has been added to read: Y101.3 Wind design criteria. Modifying section R301.2.1 buildings and portions thereof shall be constructed in accordance with the wind provisions of this code using the ultimate design wind speed 135 mph.
      (6)   SectionY101.4 Lumber sheathing. This section has been added to address the permitted forms of lumber sheathing. This section has been added to read: Y101.4 Lumber sheathing. Only OSB or plywood sheathing is permitted. Dimensional lumber sheathing may not be used. Allowable spans and attachment for lumber used as roof or exterior wall sheathing shall conform to the following:
      (7)   Section Y101.4.1 Sixteen Inch Framing. For rafter, stud, or beam spacing of 16 inches, the minimum nominal sheathing panel thickness will be 7/16 inch, the minimum wood structural panel span rating 24/16, to be nailed with 8d ring shank (0.131 inch x 2.5 inch) or 10d (0.148 inch x 3 inch) nails on 4(3) inches on center along the edges and 6 inches on center in the field.
      (8)   Section Y101.5 Ceiling joist and rafter connections. This section has been added to require ceiling joists and rafters to be nailed to each other in a manner to achieve a connection that can transfer a 500-pound force in both compression and tension across the connections. This section has been added to read: Y101.5 Ceiling joist and rafter connections. In addition to the provisions of Chapter 8, ceiling joists and rafters shall be nailed to each other in a manner to achieve a connection that can transfer a 500-pound force in both compression and tension across the connection.
      (9)   Section Y101.6 Rafter uplift resistance. This section has been added to require individual rafters to be attached to supporting wall assemblies by connections capable of resisting uplift forces of 500 pounds. This section has been added to read: Y101.6 Rafter uplift resistance. Individual rafters shall be attached to supporting wall assemblies by connections capable of resisting uplift forces of 500 pounds.
      (10)   Section Y101.7 Gable end walls. This section has been added to clarify connections and sheathing for gable end walls. This section has been added to read: Y101.7 Gable end walls. Gable end walls will be sheathed per Y101.4 and will have connections to both a.) supporting wall assemblies and b.) roof framing by connections capable of resisting uplift forces of 500 pounds in both compression and tension across the connection.
      (11)   Section Y101.8 Exterior wall bracing. This section has been added to clarify sheathing methods to be utilized to brace exterior walls and prohibit intermittent bracing on exterior walls. This section has been added to read: Y101.8 Exterior wall bracing. Only continuous sheathing CS-WSP per R602.10.4.2 may be used to brace exterior walls. Frame garage doors using the sheathed portal frame method CS-PF. Lumber sheathing and attachment per Y101.4. Any form of intermittent bracing is not allowed on an exterior wall. Intermittent bracing may only be used for interior braced wall.
      (12)   Section Y101.9 Multi story construction. This section has been added to require nailing upper and lower story wall sheathing to a common rim board. This section has been added to read: Y101.9 Multi story construction. Nail upper and lower story wall sheathing to common rim board in order to maintain continuity between stories.
      (13)   Section Y101.10 Wood floor above crawl space construction. This section has been added to require extending structural wood sheathing to lap the sill plate. This section has been added to read: Y101.10 Wood floor above crawl space construction. Extend structural wood sheathing to lap the sill plate. Nail to sill plate at three (3) inches on center along the edges. Nail to rim board if present with 8d ring shank (0.131-inch x 2.5 inch) or 10d (0.148-inch x 3 inch) nails at three (3) inches on center along both the top and bottom edges of the rim board.
(2002 Code, § 150.01) (Ord. 792, passed 12-11-2017; Ord. 970, 4-8-2024)