The applicant for approval of a planned unit development is encouraged to engage in informal consultation with the Zoning Inspector and Planning Board prior to preparing his or her preliminary planned unit development plan, it being understood that no statement or representation by the Inspector or the Board shall be binding upon Council. The owner/ developers of the tract of land to be developed on a planned unit basis shall prepare a preliminary planned unit development plan and shall submit eight copies of the plan, along with an application for a change of zoning district, to the Board for its consideration.
The plan shall include the following
(a) The boundaries of the tract to be developed on a planned unit basis;
(b) The base mapping of the tract showing the physical features, such as topography, drainageways, water bodies, trees (with more than a four-inch caliper trunk measured four feet above the ground) and all species native or indigenous to the area, and existing land uses;
(c) Highways and streets in the vicinity of the tract, and the ingress to and egress from the tract;
(d) The location of different general land use areas proposed to be developed;
(e) The proposed density levels of each residential area, if applicable;
(f) The proposed treatment of existing topography, drainageways and tree cover;
(g) The proposed general location of major vehicular circulation, showing how the circulation pattern relates to the Official Thoroughfare Plan;
(h) The location of schools, parks and other community facility sites, if any;
(i) The time schedule of projected development, if the total landholding is to be developed in stages or if construction is to extend beyond a two-year time period; and
(j) A list of all landowners whose property falls within 200 feet of any point along the boundary of the property in question.
(Ord. 82-38. Passed 9-20-82.)
The Planning Board shall study the application and the preliminary planned unit development plan provided for in Section 1278.07 and may hold a public hearing within sixty days of the date of filing the application. Notice of the time and date of the public hearing shall be given, at least seven days before the date of such hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality.
(Ord. 82-38.Passed 9-20-82 . )
Following the public hearing provided for in Section 1278.08, if held, the Planning Board shall make a report to Council recommending approval or disapproval of the planned unit development and the reasons therefor. The Board may explicitly impose special conditions relating to the planned unit development with regard to types and extent of public improvements to be installed, landscaping, circulation, the development and maintenance of common open space and other pertinent development characteristics. The Board, in making a favorable recommendation to Council, shall ensure that:
(a) The proposed R-PUD Planned Unit Development District is in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan;
(b) Each individual stage of development does not exceed the maximum density allowed for the planned unit development landholding as a whole;
(c) The proposed uses will not be detrimental to present and potential surrounding uses, but will have a beneficial effect which could not be achieved in other zoning districts;
(d) The proposed internal streets will properly interconnect with the surrounding existing major and minor thoroughfares as designated in the Official Thoroughfare Plan;
(e) The proposed development represents a high level of land utilization;
(f) The applicant is able to present market and other related economic data sufficient to demonstrate both the need for, and the continued viability of, the proposed development; and
(g) The proposed development will not pre-empt land which, because of special considerations such as utility service capacity and/or the presence of a rail siding, is especially suited to more intensive uses.
(Ord. 82-38. Passed 9-20-82.)
Upon receipt of the recommendation of the Planning Board, as provided in Section 1278.09, Council shall hold a public hearing, to be held less than sixty days from the date of receipt of the preliminary planned unit development plan from the Board. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given, at least thirty days before the date of such hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the Municipality. The Municipality shall also notify, by registered mail and at the applicant's expense, all landowners whose property lies within 200 feet of any point along the boundary of the parcel in question. (Ord. 82-38. Passed 9-20-82.)