§ 151.076 LOTS.
   (A)   Lot arrangement.
      (1)   The lot arrangement shall be such that there will be no foreseeable difficulties, for reasons of topography or other conditions, in securing improvement location permits or building permits to build on all lots in compliance with the town Zoning Ordinance, Building Code or other applicable local, state, or federal regulations.
      (2)   The design, character, grade, location, and orientation of all lots shall be appropriate for the uses proposed, and logically related to existing and proposed topography.
      (3)   Every lot shall have sufficient and adequate access to a street constructed, or to be constructed, in accordance with the provisions, standards, and specifications of this chapter.
   (B)   Block and lot numbering.
      (1)   Blocks shall be consecutively numbered or lettered in alphabetical order. The blocks in numbered additions to subdivisions bearing the same name shall be numbered and lettered consecutively throughout the several additions.
      (2)   All lots in each block shall be consecutively numbered. Out lots shall be lettered in alphabetical order. If blocks are numbered or lettered, out lots shall be lettered in alphabetical order within each block.
   (C)   Lot dimensions.
      (1)   Lot dimensions, including but not limited to lot width, lot depth, and lot area, shall comply with the minimum standards of the applicable zoning ordinance, zoning commitment, or variance grant.
      (2)   Land reserved for any proposed street, drainage pond, wetland, or lands subject to periodic flooding shall not be counted in satisfying the minimum yard and lot area requirements of the town Zoning Ordinance.
      (3)   In general, lots shall be arranged so that:
         (a)   Side lot lines are at right angles to street lines (or radial to curving street lines) unless a deviation from this rule will give a better street or lot plan;
         (b)   Dimensions of corner lots shall be large enough to allow for the erection of buildings while observing the minimum required front yard setback applicable on each street frontage; and
         (c)   Commercial or industrial lots shall be of adequate size and configuration to provide for off-street parking, off-street loading, residential bufferyards, and other applicable requirements of the town Zoning Ordinance.
   (D)   Lot orientation. The lot line common to the street right-of-way line shall be the front lot line. All lots shall, whenever practical, face the front lot line. Whenever feasible, lots shall be arranged so that the rear lot lines do not abut the side lot line of an adjacent lot.
   (E)   Double frontage lots. Double frontage lots shall be avoided whenever practical. Double frontage lots may be acceptable when necessary to provide for the separation of a development and its related access points from the traffic on a bordering thoroughfare or collector street or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation affecting the subdivision.
   (F)   Triple frontage lots. Triple frontage lots (i.e., those lots which have frontage on 3 streets and do not include a non-access easement along the abutting major streets) shall be prohibited in residential developments.
   (G)   Lot access. Lots shall not, in general, derive access exclusively from a thoroughfare or collector street. Where a driveway from a primary or secondary street is determined to be necessary, the Area Plan Commission may require that such driveway be developed as a common driveway or frontage street in order to limit possible traffic hazards on the primary or secondary street. Where possible, driveways shall be designed and arranged so as to avoid requiring or encouraging vehicles to back into traffic on primary or secondary streets.
   (H)   Lot drainage. All lots shall be laid out so as to provide positive drainage away from all buildings, and individual lot drainage shall be coordinated with the general storm water drainage pattern for the Subdivision. Drainage shall be designed so as to avoid the concentration of storm water runoff from a lot onto adjacent lots. Each lot owner shall maintain the lot grade, as it relates to storm water drainage, in compliance with the approved construction plans.
   (I)   Debris and waste. No junk, rubbish, or other waste materials of any kind, whether natural (i.e., cut trees, debris, or rocks) or construction related (i.e., concrete or building materials) shall be buried in any land at any time, nor shall these materials be left or deposited on any lot or street at the time of the release of the maintenance bond. No items and materials described above shall be left or deposited in any area of the subdivision at the time of dedication of public improvements.
   (J)   Soil preservation, final grading and lawn preparation.
      (1)   No final certificate of occupancy shall be issued until final grading and seeding or sodding has been completed for the entire lot including the area between the street curb and the sidewalk in accordance with approved construction plans, except those portions of the lot covered by buildings, parking areas, interior access drives, or other improvements authorized by improvement location permit, or where the grade has not been changed and natural vegetation has not been damaged.
      (2)   It is recommended that all lawn areas not provided with automatic irrigation systems should be seeded or sodded during the planting seasons of between March 15 and May 15, or between August 15 and September 30 of each year.
      (3)   The Zoning Administrator/Building Commissioner may issue a temporary certificate of occupancy between October 1 and March 15, or between May 15 and August 15 of each year conditioned upon the completion of seeding or sodding during the next planting season.
   (K)   Waterbodies and watercourses. No part of the minimum lot area required under the applicable zoning ordinance, zoning commitment, or variance grant may be satisfied by land that is under water. Where a watercourse separates the buildable area of the lot from the street by which it has access, provisions shall be made for the installation of a culvert or other appropriate structure, of a design approved by the Town Engineer. If a subdivision contains an existing or to be developed waterbody, watercourse, or portion thereof, appropriate documentary assurances acceptable to the town shall be provided for the maintenance of the waterbody or watercourse.
   (L)   Fencing. The Area Plan Commission may, in its discretion, require the subdivider to install fencing on or around such lot, block, common area, or other portion of a proposed subdivision in order to mitigate a potential hazard. Fencing so required shall be installed in accordance with standards required by the Area Plan Commission and approved by the Town Engineer.
   (M)   Building setback lines. Minimum building setback lines shall be regulated by the setback provisions of the town Zoning Ordinance applicable to the subdivision. Setbacks in excess of the Zoning Ordinance standards may be platted; however, such excess setback requirements will not be enforced by the town unless the excess setback requirement is part of a zoning commitment or variance grant.
   (N)   Lot addressing. Addresses for all lots within a subdivision shall conform as closely as practical to the address grid pattern established for the town. The east/west baseline grid shall be Filbert Street. The north/south baseline grid shall be Michigan. Wherever possible, the grid pattern for new subdivisions shall be laid out so as to reserve 1 address number for each 20 feet of frontage of a lot. Addresses shall conform to the nearest number which approximates the location of the proposed driveway, building, or entrance doorway on a lot. Numbers assigned to the west side of north/south streets and the north side of east/west streets shall be even numbers. Numbers assigned to east side of north/south streets and the south side of east/west streets shall be odd numbers.
(Ord. 1223, § 3.2, passed 5-11-2010)