The major subdivision process is intended to provide for the platting of larger residential, commercial, industrial, and other nonresidential redevelopments.
   (A)   Consultation required.  
      (1)   Prior to the submission of a major subdivision, the subdivider shall consult informally with the staff, the County Surveyor, the Town Engineer, and other agencies deemed appropriate by the staff. This will create an understanding between the staff and the subdivider which may help to alleviate future misunderstandings and extensive revisions.
      (2)   The level of information received by the developer at a consultation is dependent upon the quality and quantity of information provided by the developer for review and comment. It is strongly recommended that a consultation take place a minimum of 2 weeks prior to an application deadline to allow time to prepare the required plans; however, a consultation may take place at any time prior to filing.
      (3)   Staff shall review the sketch plan and shall notify the subdivider of any comments related to the design or contents of the sketch plan within 10 business days of the submittal for conceptual plat review.
      (4)   Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter to the contrary, neither the staff’s conceptual plat review of the sketch plan submitted at a pre-filing conference nor staff’s comments to the petitioner relating thereto shall be considered a denial, approval, or decision concerning the proposed primary plat.
      (5)   Petitioner may modify the sketch plan and file a petition for primary plat approval after the expiration of the 10-business day period referred to above.
   (B)   Name of subdivision. The name of the subdivision shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision within the town or other areas of the county. Care should be taken to keep names short and, if applicable, consistent with adjacent subdivisions which have been previously approved and recorded.
   (C)   Major subdivision application; primary approval. An application for primary approval of a major subdivision shall be submitted in accordance with the filing schedule established by the Area Plan Commission. The submission shall contain the following:
      (1)   Drawing. An original drawing on 24-inch by 36-inch vellum, linen or Mylar film, at a scale of 1 inch equals 200 feet or less. All printed numbers, letters, and typed information shall be in capital letters and the size of an 11 point type font so that the drawing is adaptable to photographic reduction and will maintain complete legibility. The original drawing shall be accompanied by 6 prints and include the following.
         (a)   Name of the subdivision.
         (b)   Location of the subdivision by section, township, range, and governmental township.
         (c)   Boundary of the proposed subdivision based on accurate traverse survey with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths thereof, and bearings expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds. The traverse survey shall be closed to the minimum requirements of the State Standards for the practice of land surveying as required by 865 I.A.C. 1-12-7 et seq. A separate boundary closure sheet need not be submitted.
         (c)   Name, address, seal, signature, and certification of the registered land surveyor preparing or certifying the subdivision, in a manner prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
         (e)   Numeric scale, graphic bar scale, north point, and date.
         (f)   Elevation and delineation of the 100-year regulatory flood, when applicable.
         (g)   A note shall be placed on the plat, when applicable, to indicate the presence of any condition on any lot which would not be conducive to the development of basements (e.g., seasonal high water table, and the like).
         (h)   A blank area 4 inches vertical by 9 inches horizontal, within which the Area Plan Commission may affix its certificate of approval without obscuring or obliterating any other items on the plat.
         (i)   The location of all public wells and the delineation of any wellhead protection area, when applicable.
         (j)   Delineation of wetlands identified by the National Wetlands Inventory, when applicable.
         (k)   A note shall be placed on the plat indicating that building setbacks shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
         (l)   Name and address of subdivider.
         (m)   Layout of proposed streets, which shall include: the classification of each street; the names and widths; walkways; easements; and location of any accel/decel lane or passing blister.
         (n)   Statement that all easements that are indicated on documentation provided by the property owner are shown on the drawing.
         (o)   Statement regarding how the subdivision will be served by water, sewer, and electric i.e., municipal water, sewer, and electric.
         (p)   Layout and approximate dimensions of lots.
         (q)   Lot numbers.
         (r)   All existing easements in exact dimensions of feet and hundredths thereof, and bearings expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
         (s)   Coordinate data which ties the subdivision to the North American Datum 1983 State Plane Coordinates System to the standards adopted by the County Surveyor, or provide a letter from the County Surveyor which indicates that ties to such State Plane Coordinates System is not required.
         (t)   Any areas other than public rights-of-way to be dedicated or reserved for public or semi-public use, or areas to be reserved for the use of all property owners, shall be shown on the drawing and labeled as to their use and shall have a separate legal description on the drawing with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths thereof and bearings expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
         (u)   Show in dotted or dashed line, the location, width, and names of previously subdivided and recorded streets and lots in the proposed subdivision and within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision.
         (v)   The frontage streets and the nearest major intersections, with existing and proposed rights-of-way labeled.
         (w)   A vicinity key map at a noted scale of 1 inch equals 2,000 or 1 inch equals 3,000 feet showing the location of the subdivision, major streets, and physical features, such as rivers and creeks, within a distance of 2 miles.
         (x)   Location of any public on-site water and/or wastewater treatment plants.
         (y)   The drawing shall be accompanied by such other information as the Area Plan Commission may require under the provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   Watershed map. Six prints (if placed on a sheet other than the site analysis), on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets, of the Area Plan Commission’s watershed map or similar map showing:
         (a)   Location of the subdivision within the watershed;
         (b)   Intermediate streams, drainage courses, and reaches within the total watershed;
         (c)   Delineation of the watershed flowing into the proposed subdivision and the number of acres within that part of the watershed; and
         (d)   Delineation of the watershed flowing out of the proposed subdivision and the number of acres within that part of the watershed.
      (3)   Site Data Sheet (SDS). Six prints of a map or a series of maps, on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets, at a scale of 1 inch equals 200 feet or less (the Area Plan Commission’s section maps may be used as base maps) showing the following information for the proposed subdivision and the adjacent area within 300 feet, including, but not limited to the following.
         (a)   Name of the subdivision.
         (b)   Show in dotted or dashed line, the location, width, and names of previously subdivided and recorded streets and lots in the proposed subdivision and within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision.
         (c)   Name and address of the registered land surveyor preparing the subdivision.
         (d)   Numeric scale, graphic bar scale, north point, and date.
         (e)   Known or suspected location of landfills, dumpsites, or sites used for disposing of hazardous substances.
         (f)   Soil information, as determined by a soil investigator or the Soil Survey of St. Joseph County, with soil boundaries, identification codes, names, slope, and erosion factors. Location of soil borings and test pits.
         (g)   Existing man-made structures and improvements within the proposed subdivision, including driveways, culverts, fences, utility poles, hydrants, and the like. Profiles of ditches at 25-foot intervals may be required at the request of the Town Engineer.
         (h)   Natural features such as wooded areas, swamps, marshes, streams, drainage courses, and objects which may be located in the public right-of-way, including trees.
         (i)   Existing topographic contours at vertical intervals of 2 feet or less. Vertical control data shall be based on National Geodetic Vertical Datum or the St. Joseph County GIS. United States Geological Survey contours shall not be acceptable.
         (j)   A graphic and/or textual summary of any known environmental site studies which contains a recommendation or conclusion which impacts the site of the proposed subdivision.
         (k)   The location of all public wells and the delineated wellhead protection area, if any.
         (l)   Location of the subdivision by section, township, range, and governmental township.
         (m)   Boundary of subdivision, with approximate dimensions in feet.
         (n)   Floodplains and floodways as shown on maps published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
         (o)   Delineation and location of all watersheds, streams, drainage courses, reaches, and swales which flow into and/or through the proposed subdivision, if not shown on a separate watershed map.
         (p)   At the boundary of the proposed subdivision, the acreage of all watersheds which flow into and out of the subdivision, if not shown on a separate watershed map.
         (q)   Acres of watersheds at the confluence of streams, drainage courses, reaches, and swales within the proposed subdivision, if not shown on a separate watershed map.
         (r)   If adjoining property within 300 feet of the subdivision has not been subdivided, the names of property owners, as shown in the Assessor’s office, Auditor’s office, or Recorder’s office shall be included. If the property within 300 feet of the subdivision has been subdivided, the subdivision layout, name, section, and instrument number shall be included.
      (4)   Engineering feasibility report. Three copies of a typed feasibility report covering sewage, water, and drainage facilities and streets to serve the subdivision, including but not limited to the following.
         (a)   Existing system. The applicant shall connect to an existing public sewer, water, and electric supply system, a letter from the utility indicating the ability of the utility to service the subdivision, and approval for that subdivision to connect to the utility. The report shall include the distance from the nearest public electric supply, and sewer and water mains, the capacity of the existing systems intended to handle the additional load and the estimated cost.
         (b)   Drainage system. If the connection to an existing storm drain system is not feasible, the type of drainage system to be utilized shall be stated.
         (c)   Street construction. A preliminary report on type of street construction to be used based on the latest standards adopted by the town.
      (5)   Drainage plan. The drainage plan shall be prepared and certified by a registered engineer or registered land surveyor in accordance with standards adopted by the Board, and submitted to the Town Engineer. Prior to the preparation of a drainage plan, the registered engineer or registered land surveyor shall confirm the watershed area with the County Surveyor and shall submit such watershed confirmation to the Town Engineer along with the proposed drainage plan. The submittal of the subdivision to the Area Plan Commission shall not be accepted unless 1 copy of the approved drainage plan or, when appropriate, a letter of no objection to submittal from the Town Engineer accompanies the submittal and a report from the County Surveyor which indicates that the County Drainage Board has received an application for approval of the subdivision’s drainage system as an “Urban Drain” as specified in the 1965 Indiana Drainage Code, Chapter 305, Acts of 1965, as amended.
      (6)   Traffic impact study. A traffic impact study may be required by the Town Engineer when warranted in compliance with the INDOT Traffic Impact Study Guidelines. Such traffic impact study shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer and shall evaluate the impact of present and future traffic generated by the proposed development on the adjacent roadway network.
      (7)   Digital data submission. All major plats submitted for primary review shall include a digital copy of the proposed subdivision prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth in the “Digital Data Submission Standards” as set forth by the Area Plan Commission.
      (8)   Ownership. A letter from the subdivider showing his or her interest in the property to be subdivided, or that he or she is the agent for the owner of the land, or proof of ownership, or a copy of a purchase agreement.
      (9)   Property list. A list showing names and addresses of property owners within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision and 2 sets of stamped, addressed envelopes for property owners within 300 feet of the proposed subdivision. Names and addresses may be obtained from the Assessor’s office or the Auditor’s office.
      (10)   Other approval. The applicant shall provide a summary of any other local, state, or federal governmental approvals required for the development of the subdivision and a statement of the status of each such approval.
      (11)   Fee. The submission of the subdivision shall be accompanied by fees as prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
      (12)   Application. A completed application upon forms provided and in a manner prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
   (D)   Major subdivision; primary review, appeal, and approval procedure. The primary review, appeal, and approval procedure for major subdivisions shall be as follows.
      (1)   Completeness.
         (a)   All of the required information shall be complete upon filing in order for staff to begin its review. Applications with incomplete plans shall not be docketed until complete plans have been filed with the Area Plan Commission.
         (b)   The staff shall determine if all required elements of an application for a major subdivision have been provided. If staff determines that an application is complete, staff shall begin the review process in accordance with the filing schedule established by the Area Plan Commission.
         (c)   If, however, staff notes a deficiency in the application materials, staff shall notify the applicant of the deficiency. Upon receipt of the materials required to complete the application, staff shall begin the review process for the next available meeting of the Plat Committee.
         (d)   The Executive Director, in his or her sole discretion, may waive or relax any of the requirements listed above for a primary plat of a major subdivision, as circumstances dictate.
      (2)   Referral and review. The staff shall refer prints of the subdivision to the appropriate agencies.
         (a)   1.   If the subdivision falls within a designated special flood hazard area, the subdivision shall be reviewed by the Department of Natural Resources.
            2.   If the proposed subdivision is to be located in a special flood hazard area, the subdivider’s registered land surveyor or engineer shall forward pertinent plans and materials to the Department of Natural Resources for review and comment. Appropriate changes and modifications may be required in order to assure that the development of the proposed subdivision is consistent with the need to minimize flood damages, including but not limited to the following: all public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage; adequate drainage shall be provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards; and on-site waste disposal systems, if provided, shall be so located as to avoid impairment of them or contamination from them during the occurrence of the regulatory flood.
            3.   All subdivisions to be located in a special flood hazard area shall have the elevation of the 100-year flood noted on the secondary plat and a delineation of the special flood hazard area thereon.
         (b)   The staff may also refer the subdivision to any federal, state, or county agency, board, or department which has regulations or rules which affect the use or design of the subdivision, or the location or height of structures to be placed within the subdivision.
         (c)   The agencies shall review the subdivision and submit a report to the staff. The staff shall review the subdivision for technical conformity with the standards fixed in the Subdivision Ordinance and the requirements, recommendations, and comments of the reviewing agencies, and prepare a report with a recommendation for the Plat Committee’s consideration.
      (3)   Submission to Plat Committee. Within the time frame as established by resolution of the Area Plan Commission, the staff shall announce the date, time, and place of the meeting at which the Plat Committee shall consider the subdivision; mail due notice to all interested parties at least 10 days before the date set for hearing, and give notice of the hearing by publication in accordance with I.C. 5-3-1 et seq.
      (4)   Plat Committee consideration. After receiving the staff report and recommendation, the Plat Committee shall consider the subdivision at a public hearing.
      (5)   Plat Committee action.
         (a)   If, after consideration, the Plat Committee finds that the subdivision complies with all standards regarding primary approval of major subdivisions, the Plat Committee shall give primary approval to the subdivision, with or without modifications or conditions imposed, and make written findings of fact and a decision which shall include any modifications or conditions imposed.
         (b)   If, after consideration, the Plat Committee finds that the subdivision does not comply with all standards regarding primary approval of major subdivisions, the Plat Committee shall deny primary approval to the subdivision, make written findings of fact and a decision which sets forth its reasons for disapproval.
      (6)   Notice of Plat Committee’s action. Within 5 days after the Plat Committee’s action on the subdivision, the Secretary of the Plat Committee shall provide the subdivider with a copy of the findings of fact and decision, and notify all interested parties of the Plat Committee’s decision and their right to appeal the Plat Committee’s decision to the Area Plan Commission. Appeals shall be in writing, shall indicate the desire to have the major subdivision reviewed by the Area Plan Commission, shall state the reason for the appeal, and shall be filed within 5 days of the date of the notice by the Secretary.
      (7)   If no appeal has been filed.
         (a)   If the subdivision received primary approval by the Plat Committee, and no appeal has been filed within 5 days of the date of the notice of Plat Committee’s action, the Chairperson and Secretary of the Plat Committee shall seal and certify the original drawing and 1 copy of the original drawing. The original drawing shall then be released to the subdivider’s registered land surveyor and the copy of the original drawing shall be retained in the files of the Area Plan Commission.
         (b)   If the subdivision was denied primary approval by the Plat Committee and no appeal has been filed within 5 days of the notice of Plat Committee’s action, the staff shall release the original drawing of the subdivision to the registered land surveyor who prepared it.
      (8)   If an appeal has been filed. If an appeal has been filed within 5 days of the date of the notice of Plat Committee’s action, the staff shall place the subdivision on the agenda of the Area Plan Commission’s first available meeting, mail due notice in writing to all interested parties at least 10 days before the date set for hearing, and give notice of the hearing by publication in accordance with I.C. 5-3-1 et seq. The staff shall prepare a report with a recommendation for Area Plan Commission consideration.
      (9)   Area Plan Commission consideration. After receiving the staff report and recommendation, the Area Plan Commission shall consider the subdivision at a public hearing. The Area Plan Commission shall consider the subdivision as though the Plat Committee had not acted upon it. The subdivision shall be considered in its entirety, as if it were a new submission, with all items considered, not just the items appealed.
      (10)   Area Plan Commission action.
         (a)   If, after consideration, the Area Plan Commission finds that the subdivision complies with all standards regarding primary approval of major subdivisions, the Area Plan Commission shall give primary approval to the subdivision, with or without modifications and conditions imposed and make written findings of fact and a decision which shall include any modifications and conditions imposed. The Secretary of the Area Plan Commission shall then provide the subdivider with a copy of the findings of fact and decision. The President and Secretary of the Area Plan Commission shall seal and certify the original drawing and 1 copy of the original drawing, and release the original drawing to the subdivider’s registered land surveyor. The copy of the original drawing shall be retained in the records of the Area Plan Commission.
         (b)   If, after consideration, the Area Plan Commission finds that the major subdivision does not comply with all standards regarding primary approval of major subdivisions, the Area Plan Commission shall deny primary approval to the subdivision and make written findings of fact and a decision which sets forth its reasons for disapproval. The Secretary of the Area Plan Commission shall then provide the subdivider with a copy of the findings of fact and decision, and release the original drawing to the subdivided registered land surveyor.
      (11)   Effective approval. Primary approval of the subdivision shall be effective indefinitely; however, all subdivisions receiving secondary approval shall be developed to the latest standards adopted by the Board, and applicable codes and ordinances at the time of secondary approval.
   (E)   Major subdivision; secondary review and approval procedure. The secondary review and approval procedure for a major subdivision shall be as follows.
      (1)   Referral and review. The staff shall refer prints of the subdivision to the appropriate agencies. The appropriate agencies shall review the subdivision and submit a report to the staff. The staff shall review the subdivision for technical conformity with the standards fixed in the Subdivision Ordinance and the requirements, recommendations, and comments of the appropriate agencies.
      (2)   Request for hearing by Plat Committee. Upon review of prints for a subdivision, the County Surveyor, the Town Engineer, the County Health Officer, or the developer may request that the secondary review of the plat be referred to the Plat Committee for review and determination and the subdivision shall be placed on the agenda of the first available meeting of the Plat Committee.
      (3)   Approval. Within the time frame as established by resolution of the Area Plan Commission and upon receipt of the reports from the appropriate agencies, and after the 10-day appeal period for primary approval of the subdivision has expired and an appeal, if any, has been acted upon by the Area Plan Commission, the staff shall grant secondary approval to the subdivision and the Chairperson and the Secretary of the Plat Committee shall seal and certify the original drawing.
      (4)   Determination of major change. A subdivision being considered for secondary approval shall be considered to be a major change from the subdivision having received primary approval if:
         (a)   Any interior minor collector street or local street has been relocated in such a way as to adversely impact abutting property owners;
         (b)   Any entrance streets have been relocated in such a way as to adversely impact abutting property owners;
         (c)   Any stub streets have been relocated in such a way as to adversely impact abutting property owners;
         (d)   The drainage plan has been altered in such a way as to adversely impact abutting property owners;
         (e)   An increase in the number of lots shown on the approved primary plat; or
         (f)   The Executive Director in its sole discretion believes it advisable, because of the collective effect of numerous small changes.
      (5)   Committee/staff action.
         (a)   If, after consideration the Plat Committee/staff finds: that the major subdivision complies with all standards regarding secondary approval of major subdivisions; all required improvements meet the applicable requirements of the town or that surety has been posted; that it does not constitute a major change from the subdivision which received primary approval; and that it complies with all the conditions and modifications imposed upon the subdivision by either the Plat Committee or the Area Plan Commission as a condition of primary approval, the Plat Committee/staff shall give secondary approval to the subdivision, and staff shall record the subdivision. The Chairperson and Secretary of the Plat Committee shall certify and seal the original drawing. The Secretary of the Plat Committee shall provide written notification to the subdivider that the subdivision was approved by the Plat Committee/staff and that the subdivision will be recorded within 7 days of secondary approval as required below.
         (b)   If the Plat Committee/staff finds: that the major subdivision does not comply with all standards regarding secondary approval of major subdivisions; or that any required improvement does not meet the applicable requirements of the town, or that surety has not been posted; or that the subdivision constitutes a major change from the subdivision which received primary approval, or that it does not comply with all the conditions and modifications imposed upon the subdivision by the Area Plan Commission or Plat Committee as a condition of primary approval, the Plat Committee/staff shall deny the subdivision secondary approval. The Secretary of the Plat Committee shall then provide written notice to the subdivider, which sets forth the Plat Committee’s/staff’s reasons for disapproval, and release the original drawing to the subdivider’s registered land surveyor.
      (6)   Recording. Within 7 days of the secondary approval, the staff shall record the subdivision in the Recorder’s office and so notify the subdivider. The staff shall have the original drawing of the subdivision duplicated at a reduced scale and release the original drawing to the registered land surveyor who prepared it. The staff shall distribute reduced copies of the subdivision as prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
   (F)   Major subdivision application; secondary approval. An application for secondary approval of a major subdivision may be submitted at the convenience of the subdivider. The submission shall contain the following.
      (1)   Drawing. An original drawing on 24-inch by 36-inch vellum, linen, or Mylar film, at a scale of not less than 1 inch equals 100 feet or greater than 1 inch equals 50 feet. All printed numbers, letters and typed information shall be in capital letters and the size of an 11 point type font so that the drawing is adaptable to photographic reduction and will maintain complete legibility. The subdivision may include all or part of the subdivision which received primary approval, and shall retain the lot numbers and overall characteristics of the subdivision which received primary approval. The original drawing shall be accompanied by 6 prints and include the following.
         (a)   Name of the subdivision, which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision within the incorporated or unincorporated areas of the county. If the subdivision is only a portion of the subdivision which received primary approval, each section or addition shall be separately and sequentially designated.
         (b)   Legal description of the subdivision which shall include section, township, range, and governmental township.
         (c)   Boundary of subdivision, based on accurate traverse survey with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths thereof, and bearings expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds. The traverse survey shall be closed to the minimum requirements of the State Standards for the practice of land surveying as required by 865 I.A.C. 1-12-7 et seq. A separate boundary closure sheet need not be submitted.
         (d)   Name, address, seal, signature, and certification of the registered land surveyor preparing or certifying the subdivision as prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
         (e)   Numeric scale, graphic bar scale, north point, and date.
         (f)   Elevation and delineation of the 100-year regulatory flood and certification of compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program, when applicable.
         (g)   A note shall be placed on the plat, when applicable, to indicate the presence of any condition on any lot which would not be conducive to the development of basements (e.g., seasonal high water table, and the like).
         (h)   A blank area 4 inches vertical by 9 inches horizontal, within which the Area Plan Commission may affix its certificate of approval without obscuring or obliterating any other items on the plat.
         (i)   The location of all public wells and the delineation of any wellhead protection area, when applicable.
         (j)   Delineation of those soils that may not be suitable for the development of basements.
         (k)   Delineation of wetlands identified by the National Wetlands Inventory, when applicable.
         (l)   A note shall be placed on the plat indicating that building setbacks shall conform to the applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
         (m)   Owner’s certification, in a manner prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
         (n)   Exact location, width and name of all streets, alleys and walkways within the subdivision.
         (o)   Statement that all easements that are indicated on documentation provided by the property owner are shown on the drawing.
         (p)   Statement regarding how the subdivision will be served by water and sewer, and electric.
         (q)   Lot numbers - lots in sections or additions to a subdivision with the same name shall be numbered consecutively throughout the several sections or additions.
         (r)   All lot lines and easements with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths thereof and bearings expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds. All easements shall be identified as to their specific use.
         (s)   Any areas other than public rights-of-way to be dedicated or reserved for public or semi-public use, or areas to be reserved for the use of all property owners, shall be shown on the drawing and labeled as to their use and shall have a separate legal description on the drawing with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths thereof and bearings expressed in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
         (t)   Deed of dedication, in a manner prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
         (u)   Notarization and seal, in a manner prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
         (v)   Statement concerning any encroachments upon building setback lines and/or easements.
         (w)   Accurate location and type of all existing and required monuments conforming to the State Standards 865 I.A.C. 1-12-18 et seq.
         (x)   All recorded subdivisions bounding the subdivision shall be shown in dotted lines with name, section, or addition and Recorder’s instrument number.
         (y)   Urban drain certificate, as prescribed by the Area Plan Commission, when applicable.
         (z)   Township, range, or section line accurately tied to the subdivision or a corner of a recorded subdivision by bearing and distances in feet and hundredths thereof.
         (aa)   Coordinate data which ties the subdivision to the North American Datum 1983 State Plane Coordinates System, to the standards adopted by the County Surveyor, or provide a letter from the County Surveyor which indicates that ties to the State Plane Coordinates System is not required.
         (bb)   All radii, central angles, points of curvature and tangency, length of tangents, lengths of arcs, widths of rights-of-way, and similar data shall be shown for all streets. All street lines shall be tied to other streets and alleys with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths thereof and angles or bearings.
         (cc)   The drawing shall be accompanied by such other information as the Area Plan Commission may require under the provisions of this chapter.
      (2)   Town Engineer’s report. A report from the Town Engineer shall be submitted to the staff prior to secondary approval of the subdivision. The report shall indicate whether the applicable requirements of the town have been satisfactorily completed or whether plans and specifications for improvements have been approved and performance guarantees for the required improvements have been filed and approved. These guarantees shall:
         (a)   Run to the town; and
         (b)   Provide satisfactory surety as required by the latest standards adopted by the town.
      (3)   County Surveyor’s report. A report from the County Surveyor shall be submitted to the staff prior to secondary approval of the subdivision. The report shall indicate, whether an “urban drain” was initially required, that the County Drainage Board has classified the subdivision’s drainage system as an “urban drain” as specified in I.C. 36-9-67 through 36-9-27-69, as amended.
      (4)   Digital data submission. All major plats submitted for secondary review shall include a digital copy of the proposed subdivision prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth in the “Digital Data Submission Standards” as set forth by the Area Plan Commission.
      (5)   Ownership. Proof of ownership of the subdivision.
      (6)   Fee. The submission of the subdivision shall be accompanied by fees as prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
      (7)   Application. A completed application upon forms provided and in a manner prescribed by the Area Plan Commission.
      (8)   Rule 5. Any subdivision subject to Rule 5 shall provide proof of application for a notice of sufficiency.
      (9)   Construction plans. Construction plans for all improvements, installations, and lot improvements required by this chapter, the Area Plan Commission, or other applicable ordinances of the town, including, but not limited to street base, street binder, curbs, municipal water, municipal electric, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, street topcoat, street signs, sidewalks, monumentation, lot drainage, soil preservation, erosion control, fencing, debris, and waste removal, and final grading and lawn preparation shall contain the details required for review of such improvements, installations, and lot improvements as specified by the town.
      (10)   Other approval. The applicant shall provide a summary of any other local, state, or federal governmental approvals required for the development of the subdivision and a statement of the status of each such approval.
(Ord. 1223, § 2.4, passed 5-11-2010; Am. Ord. 1252, passed 12-28-2011)