(a)   The Chief of Police is hereby directed to perform criminal background checks upon all individuals who are to be coaches, assistants or other supervisors for all recreational programs which involve minor children. This requirement shall apply regardless of whether the individuals involved are volunteers or paid personnel. All fees and costs incurred in the performance of criminal background checks shall be borne by the Village.
   (b)   The Chief of Police shall utilize the Application Form attached to original Ordinance 2007-21 as Exhibit “A” in the selection of any coach, assistant or other supervisor for any recreational programming which involves minor children, regardless of whether these individuals are volunteers or otherwise. Release of any information contained in the application form and information contained in any background check shall be governed by the provisions contained in Ohio R.C. 149.43, as the same may be amended from time to time.
   (c)   The Chief of Police shall utilize the following guidelines to determine whether an individual is qualified to participate as a coach, assistant or supervisor for the activities described in this section:
      (1)   An individual is automatically disqualified from coaching, assisting or supervising if he or she has been convicted of or found guilty of any felony level sex offense contained within Ohio R.C. Chapter 2907 if that conviction occurred within the past ten years.
      (2)   An individual is automatically disqualified from coaching, assisting or supervising if he or she has been convicted of or found guilty of any felony within Ohio R.C. Chapter 2903 if that conviction occurred within the past ten years.
      (3)   An individual is automatically disqualified from coaching, assisting or supervising if he or she has been convicted of or found guilty of an offense of violence as defined in Ohio R.C. 2901.01 if that conviction occurred within the past ten years.
      (4)   An individual is automatically disqualified from coaching, assisting or supervising if he or she has been convicted of or found guilty of domestic violence as defined in Ohio R.C. 2919.25(A) and (B) within the past ten years.
   (d)   The following factors may be considered in determining whether an applicant will be qualified to participate as a coach, assistant or supervisor:
      (1)   The applicant’s age at the time of the offense.
      (2)   The age and ability of the victim.
      (3)   The nature and seriousness of the offense.
      (4)   The circumstances under which the offense was committed.
      (5)   The degree to which the applicant participated in the offense.
      (6)   The time elapsed since the conviction of the crime.
      (7)   The likelihood that the circumstances leading to the offense will recur.
      (8)   Whether any criminal proceeding is pending against the applicant.
      (9)   The applicant’s efforts at rehabilitation and the results of those efforts.
      (10)   All other relevant factors.
   Any crimes not listed above will be evaluated as the discretion of the Police Chief.
   The applicant will have the right to appeal the decision of the Police Chief. All appeals will be decided upon by the Solicitor. The Solicitor’s decision shall be final.
(Ord. 2007-21. Passed 5-15-07.)