(a) There is hereby created within the Department of Police an Auxiliary Police Unit, the members of which shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the approval of a two-thirds majority of Council.
(b) Auxiliary police officers shall serve so long as the Mayor may direct, or until a resignation in writing submitted by such members shall be accepted by the Mayor.
(c) The Members of the Auxiliary Police Unit may not be under the age of twenty-one years at the time of their appointment and shall comply with other such requirements as provided by the rules and regulations specified herein. Members will consist of sworn and non-sworn members. Sworn members will be required to have a peace officer training certificate pursuant to Ohio R.C. 109.77 and have general powers as a peace officer as outlined in Ohio R.C. 737.11 and 737.18. Non-sworn members have no arrest powers.
(d) The Chief of Police shall be the commanding officer of the Auxiliary Police Unit and shall have control of the assignment, training, stationing and the discretion of work of such Unit. The Unit shall perform only such police duties as assigned by the Chief and shall act only when in the prescribed uniform or portion of uniform. The Chief shall prescribe the time and place such uniform or portion thereof shall be worn. Such auxiliary members shall obey the chain of command of the Police Department and shall take orders from all regular appointed members thereof.
(e) The Chief of Police shall prescribe the rules and regulations for the organization, administration, conduct and control of the Auxiliary Police Unit.
(f) The Village shall provide a comprehensive Worker's Compensation insurance program at no cost to members of the Auxiliary Police Unit. This program covers any injury or illness sustained in the course of employment that requires medical, surgical or hospital treatment.
(g) All members of the Auxiliary Police Unit, prior to commencement of duty, shall submit to, and pass a baseline physical examination conducted by a physician licensed and certified by the State of Ohio. The licensed physician conducting the physical examination shall be chosen by the majority of the members of Council. The cost for the physical examination shall be borne by the Village.
(h) The Chief of Police is authorized, by the rules and regulations, to determine the type of uniform or part thereof which shall be worn by members of the Auxiliary Police Unit.
(i) All services performed by members of the Auxiliary Police Unit shall be on a voluntary basis within the corporate limits of the Village. Auxiliary police officers shall serve without pay. Members of the Auxiliary Police Unit shall not be eligible for membership in the Police and Fireman's Pension and Disability Fund. (Ord. 2014-05. Passed 2-4-14.)