(a)   General.
      (1)    The purpose of this section is to provide additional, corridor standards for Harvard Avenue that travels through Newburgh Heights.
      (2)    This includes both the North and South sides of Harvard Avenue and any property that immediately abuts the right-of-way of Harvard Avenue.
      (3)    Any standards or regulations established within this section are in addition to the existing, underlying zoning of a parcel.
   (b)   Development Standards and Circulation.
      (1)    These standards are established to protect the public investment in a major corridor and ensure that this can continue to serve its primary function of moving volumes of traffic safely.
      (2)    Provisions within this section are therefore intended to expedite the free flow of traffic and reduce the hazards arising from unnecessary points of ingress and egress and cluttered roadside development.
      (3)    Curb cuts directly on Harvard Avenue are strongly discouraged and side street/rear access points shall be preferred.
      (4)    Residential dwellings of any kind are strongly discouraged along the Harvard Avenue corridor.
      (5)    Establishments, regardless of use or size, are not permitted to have a drive through option for service of any kind along the Harvard Avenue corridor.
   (c)   Parking Standards.
      (1)    Parking areas shall be located within side and/or rear yards where such parking areas can be partially or wholly screened by buildings from the public right-of-way.
      (2)    Parking standards shall comply with the standards established within Section 1137.03, Landscaping and Screening Standards, and Section 1137.06(b), Required Number of Spaces, of this code.
   (d)   Building Design and Site Layout.
      (1)    The main entrance to any storefront shall be along the Harvard Avenue Corridor.
      (2)    All development along Harvard Avenue shall be planned to incorporate pedestrian connections to any frontage from parking areas and/or neighboring structures or uses.
      (3)    Buildings shall have a "zero" front setback from the right-or-way line OR have a five (5) foot front setback to accommodate outdoor seating and dining.
   (e)   Mixed-Use Option.
      (1)    The Building Commissioner and the Planning Commission will consider development along the Harvard Avenue Corridor that includes a mixed-use, office component as a conditional use.
      (2)    Mixing an office use within any retail or commercial structure will be held to the design standards described within Section 1137.01, Mixed-Use District Standards, of this Code.
      (3)    The Planning Commission will have the final determination in any site plans and/or design considerations.
      (4)    Parking will be a required element of the site plan submittal and shall adhere to the standards within Section 1137.06, Off-Street Parking Standards, of this Code. (Ord. 2017-49. Passed 12-5-17.)