(a)   General.
      (1)    The Commercial District and its regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
         A.   To provide land area for the retail and service uses, office uses, and commercial uses within the community.
         B.   To regulate development of such uses based upon standards in order that they may be compatible with the residential areas of the Village and provide for coordinated development within the Commercial District.
         C.   To encourage the tendency of business to group in centers for the mutual advantage of customers and commercial establishments.
      (2)   Any business whose chief characteristics of which is a service to the neighborhood within a half mile and being an enterprise, shall not be injurious by reason of emission of dust, fumes, smoke, noise, vibration or danger to life or property, or by creating a nuisance or annoyance to the neighboring community.
      (3)    Outdoor displays for sale to customer. No displays shall be allowed within the required yards, or within fifteen (15) feet of a residential use.
      (4)    Outdoor storage of goods or supplies is prohibited.
   (b)   Off-Street Parking and Loading.
      (1)    Parking lots and access drives shall observe the following setbacks:
         A.   Minimum Front Setback (Except for an access drive to the street), Six (6) feet.
      (2)    Minimum Side Setback:
         A.   From Residential District, Ten (10) feet.
         B.   From Non-Residential District, Zero (0), if designed to be integrated into adjacent parking area and written cross-access easement agreement provided by owners, otherwise five (5) feet.
      (3)    Minimum Rear Setback:
         A.   From Residential District, Ten (10) feet.
         B.   From Non-Residential District, Zero (0), if designed to be integrated into adjacent parking area and written cross-access easement agreement provided by owners, otherwise five (5) feet.
   (c)   Curb Cuts. In connection with the development of any commercial structure on Pearse Avenue, any curb cut off of, or fronting on, Pearse Avenue shall be prohibited.
(Ord. 2017-49. Passed 12-5-17.)