(a)   General. The purpose of the Mixed-Density Residential District is as follows:
      (1)   To provide for creative and flexible residential uses where they are compatible with existing residential development and where residential districts meet other non-residential districts within the Village.
      (2)   To provide for and diversify the housing options available within the Village.
      (3)   To ensure the compatibility of neighboring land uses by requiring certain community facilities to be conditionally permitted uses within this residential district and to establish standards to protect residences from excessive glare and noise, abnormal vehicular traffic, objectionable views and other objectionable influences.
      (4)   All proposed mixed-density residential projects are required to submit a site plan with the elements described within Section 1111.03(b), Review Checklist, of this code.
   (b)   Accessory Uses and Structures. Refer to Section 1131.03(b), Accessory Uses and Structures.
   (c)   Dwelling Requirements.
      (1)    Density. In no case shall the density within a mixed-density residential district exceed twelve (12) dwelling units per acre.
      (2)    Building Orientation. The primary entrance and façade of individual buildings within a multi-family or townhome development shall be oriented towards:
         A.   Primary internal or perimeter streets, or
         B.   Common open space, such as interior courtyards, parks, or on-site natural areas or features with a clearly defined and easily accessible pedestrian circulation system. Primary entrances and facades shall not be oriented towards parking lots, garages, or carports.
      (3)    Building Four (4) Sided Design. All sides of a multi-family building shall display a similar level of quality and architectural detailing. Most of a building's architectural features and treatments shall not be restricted to a single façade. Building details, including roof forms, windows, doors, trim, and siding materials, shall reflect the architectural style of the building. No blank facades shall be permitted.
      (4)    Roofs. Flat roof forms are strongly discouraged.
      (5)    Multi-Building Developments. Multi-family developments with more than three (3) buildings shall incorporate more than one (1) distinction among building designs. This could include: variation in length, height, or roof form, building shape, or building materials and colors.
      (6)    Parking Lots. All off-street parking areas shall be held to the standards in Section 1137.03(b), Parking Lot Landscaping, of this code. Additionally, it is strongly encouraged that parking areas be located in the rear of a structure as to be completely shielded from any public street.
         (Ord. 2017-49. Passed 12-5-17.)