The Fire Department shall be composed of the following officers and members:
   (a)   A Fire Chief;
   (b)   An Assistant Fire Chief;
   (c)   Such other company officers as may be appointed by the Mayor upon the recommendation of the Fire Chief; such officers as may be appointed (not including the Fire Chief or Assistant Chief) shall receive the same compensation as that of the firemen;
   (d)   There shall be not more than thirty regular volunteer firemen and shall serve only upon call of the Fire Chief or other officer of the Village in case of fire emergency or fire alarm;
   (e)   Such officers and members of the Fire Department shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council, and shall continue in office until removed therefrom for the causes and under the powers and procedures provided for the removal of officers by the Ohio Revised Code.
      (Ord. 1943-12; Ord. 1957-15. Passed 4-57.)