(A)   Additional regulation necessary. Automobile service stations are hereby declared to be a business which requires certain additional regulations regarding signs.
   (B)   Information on gasoline pumps. Matter appearing on gasoline pumps as they were purchased or installed shall not be considered as signs for purposes of this subchapter.
   (C)   Price and service information at pump areas. In addition to all other signs permitted by this subchapter, an automobile service station may display one sign, not larger than nine square feet, above each pump island stating whether the area is a "self service" or "full service" area and the current price per gallon of the gasoline sold at the station. No element of the cost to the customer of the gasoline shall be omitted from statement of the price per gallon.
   (D)   Automobile service station signable area. Service stations which include interior facilities for the servicing of automobiles or a supplementary business shall be treated as consisting of two buildings, each with its own signable area, with the limitation that no more than two signable areas can be established per building regardless of the number of streets on which the business has frontage. One of such buildings shall be that part of the service station structure in which the principal entrance to the station office is located. The other of such buildings shall be that part of the service station structure in which the automotive service or supplementary facilities are located.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 10-13-2021)