(A)   The primary plat shall be presented at a public hearing to the Plan Commission for review and approval or disapproval.
   (B)   If the Plan Commission determines that the application and plat comply with the standards in the subdivision control chapter, it shall make written findings and a decision granting primary approval to the plat which shall be signed by the presiding member of the Plan Commission or the delegated authority.
   (C)   If the Plan Commission disapproves the plat, it shall make written findings, within ten days, that set forth its reasons and a decision denying primary approval, and shall provide the subdivider with a copy signed by the presiding member of the Plan Commission or the delegated authority.
   (D)   The Plan Commission may not impose any additional terms, conditions or commitments after primary approval is given.
(Ord. 1997-18, § 131.10, passed 8-27-1997)