(A)   The claims to which this section shall apply shall be claims for the following matters:
      (1)   Payroll of the town and the Town Sewer Department;
      (2)   Costs for mailings;
      (3)   Payment of utility bills;
      (4)   Payment of insurance bills;
      (5)   Payment of bonds and interest coupons on bonded indebtedness of the town, or the Town Sewer Department, but only when such claims are for bonds and interest coupons then due and payable on the face thereof, or to become due prior to the next Council meeting;
      (6)   Interest on loans which have been previously approved and incurred by the Town Council;
      (7)   Federal withholding, state withholding and Social Security or FICA deposits;
      (8)   Payments to or on account of the Public Employee’s Retirement Fund for regular contributions thereto;
      (9)   Any claim presented which is asserted by the claimant on the face thereof to be an emergency, and which is determined to be an emergency by the Clerk-Treasurer and at least one member of the Town Council and is not in an amount exceeding $500;
      (10)   Master Card/Visa when necessary to avoid the imposition of an interest charge;
      (11)   Distribution/payment of grant funds as required by the grant; and
      (12)   House account charges to avoid the imposition of an interest charge.
   (B)   Upon presentation to the Clerk-Treasurer of the town of a claim to which the section applies as provided in division (A) above, and upon written approval of said claim and the payment thereof by at least one member of the Town Council, the Clerk-Treasurer of the town is herewith and hereby authorized to cause such claim to be paid forthwith.
   (C)   Any claim paid by the Clerk-Treasurer of the town in accordance with division (B) above shall be included on the roster of the claims for consideration and approval by the Town Council at the next meeting following payment of said claim, and approval of said claim at such meeting shall be deemed, in addition, ratification and approval of the act of payment of such claim by the said Clerk-Treasurer.
   (D)   The town does hereby indemnify and hold the Clerk-Treasurer of the town harmless from any and all liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising from the conduct of said Clerk-Treasurer in paying any claim in accordance with this section.
(Ord. 2002-4, passed 4-10-2002; Ord. 2004-6, passed 4-28-2004; Ord. 2007-06, passed 7-25-2007; Ord. 2009-06, passed 6-10-2009)