(A)   Internal grease trap (inside of the building, normally located in the kitchen) installation may be required in association with a grease interceptor waiver. When required by the utility, internal grease traps shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of the FOG policy and in accordance with the most current edition of the Indiana Plumbing Code.
   (B)   The establishment shall submit vendor literature for the proposed grease trap which must include the flow rating (in gpm) and grease capacity (in pounds); grease trap detail sheets; kitchen layout drawings showing the location of the grease trap(s) in the drainage plumbing tree and all fixtures; and all grease trap(s) sizing calculations for approval by the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Superintendent, the Superintendent’s representative or the utility’s authorized engineering representative.
   (C)   An approved grease trap shall be installed in the waste line leading from sinks, drains and other fixtures in establishments where grease may be introduced into the drainage or sewage system in quantities that can affect line stoppage or hinder sewage treatment.
   (D)   No grease trap shall be installed which has an approved rate of flow of neither more that 55 gallons/minute nor less than 20 gallons/minute.
   (E)   Each fixture shall be individually trapped, vented and provided with an approved type flow control device.
   (F)   No water-jacketed grease trap shall be installed.
   (G)   Each grease trap shall have an approved water seal of not less than two inches in depth or the diameter of its outlet, whichever is greater.
   (H)   Each grease trap shall have an approved rate of flow, which is not less than that given in Appendix A, division (B) for the total number of connected fixtures.
   (I)   The total capacity (volume in gallons) of fixtures discharging into any such grease trap shall not exceed two and one-half times the certified flow rate of the grease trap.
   (J)   Not more than four separate fixtures shall be connected to a grease trap.
   (K)   Dishwashers shall be connected to a dedicated grease trap unless otherwise approved by the utility and the grease trap shall be sized based on the manufacturer’s discharge flow rate.
   (L)   Grease trap installation(s) must be inspected and approved by the utility prior to use. Contractor shall call (812)853-7496 to arrange the inspection. The utility will not approve grease trap(s) installations that have not been inspected.
(Ord. 2012-20, passed 8-22-2012)