(A) Service provided. Garbage and refuse collection service shall be provided to single-family and multi-family residences by the village contractor, but not to commercial or industrial properties.
(B) Collection time and container placement.
(1) Except as provided in division (E) below, garbage and recycling shall be placed in approved containers and placed at the curb or roadside by 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled day.
(2) After collection, containers shall be removed from the curb or roadside within 12 hours. No pickup will be made on legal holidays, but will be made the following work day.
(3) All trash and recycling containers shall be stored between collection days at least level or behind the house/primary structure or behind the front of the house/primary structure, off the right of way.
(C) Container and bundle regulations.
(1) All securely wrapped garbage, cans, and paper refuse shall be placed in steel or plastic garbage cans with securely fitting lids or in sturdy plastic liners or bags securely tied;
(2) Newspapers and cardboard securely tied in bundles;
(3) Tree trimmings and branches, four-inch diameter maximum and not longer than five feet, securely tied and bundled;
(4) Small amounts of stone, rubble, earth, and sod, in containers only; and
(5) Small auto parts (e.g., mufflers), in containers only.
(D) Items not to be picked up.
(1) Large amounts of stone, concrete, rubber, earth, or sod;
(2) Containers over 30 gallons or over 50 pounds;
(3) Construction debris;
(4) Large auto parts (e.g., engine blocks, heads, and fenders);
(5) Tree trunks or stumps;
(6) Hazardous materials;
(7) Tires;
(8) Garbage or refuse strewn by animals or vandals prior to collection; and
(9) Lawn clippings and leaves.
(E) Special collection. Residents may arrange with the village contractor to pick up items not included in division (C) above for a charge established by the contractor.
(Prior Code, § 11.06) (Ord. 07-2018, passed 10-11-2018)
It shall be illegal for any person to dump, dispose, deposit, litter, or store refuse in the village outside of a container approved by the Village Board on either private or public lands.
(Prior Code, § 11.07) Penalty, see § 50.99
It is not intended by this subchapter to repeal, abrogate, annul, impair, or interfere with any existing rules, regulations, ordinances, or permits previously adopted or issued pursuant to law. However, whenever this subchapter imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this subchapter shall apply.
(Prior Code, § 11.061) (Ord. 103-94, passed - -)
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this subchapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements and shall not be deemed a limitation or repeal of any other power granted by state statutes. Where any terms or requirements of this subchapter may be inconsistent or conflicting, the more restrictive requirements or interpretation shall apply. Where a provision of this subchapter is required by state statute or by a standard in Wis. Adm. Code NR 544, and where a provision of this subchapter is unclear, the provision shall be interpreted in light of the state statutes and the Wis. Adm. Code NR 544 standards in effect on the date of the adoption of this subchapter or in effect on the date of the most recent text amendment to this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 11.061) (Ord. 103-94, passed - -)