(A) General application. The installation of any public improvement shall be an exercise of the police power of the village as may from time to time be determined by the Village Board, and the property served shall be assessed pursuant to the provisions of Wis. Stats. §§ 66.0703 and 66.0701.
(1) The total cost of any public improvement to be paid in whole or in part by special assessment shall include the direct and indirect costs reasonably attributable thereto including, but not limited to, materials, supplies, labor, equipment, site preparation and restoration, damages occasioned by the public improvement, interest on bonds or notes issued in anticipation of the collection of assessments, and a reasonable charge for engineering, legal, and administrative costs.
(2) The total assessment for any public improvement shall be based upon the total cost, as defined in division (A)(1) above, and shall be apportioned among the individual parcels benefitted. Such apportionment shall generally be computed on a lineal frontage basis unless the Village Board otherwise determines that extenuating circumstances require a different method of apportionment.
(B) Sewer mains.
(1) All sewer main extensions shall be constructed by the village in accordance with specifications established by the Village Board.
(2) Special assessments for all sewer main extensions shall be levied at 100% of the total cost of construction.
(C) Streets.
(1) Streets shall be constructed by the village in accordance with specifications established by the Village Board.
(2) Special assessments for all new streets shall be levied at 100% of the cost of construction. The cost of maintaining and reconstructing streets shall be borne by the village.
(D) Curb and gutter.
(1) Curb and gutter shall be constructed by the village in accordance with specifications established by the Village Board.
(2) Special assessments for all new curb and gutter shall be levied at 100% of the total cost, and replacement curb and gutter shall be assessed at 75% of the total cost and the remainder shall be borne by the village.
(E) Sidewalks.
(1) The sidewalk shall be located in such places and at such grades as designated by the Village Board and shall be constructed in accordance with standards established by the Village Board.
(2) Special assessments for all new sidewalks shall be 100% of the total cost and replacement sidewalks shall be levied at 75% of the total cost; if the sidewalk is damaged by the owner, the replacement sidewalk shall be assessed at 100%.
(G) Assessment of corner lots. Except as provided in Chapter 153, corner lots shall be assessed as follows.
(1) In the event a corner lot is currently served by sewer main, no assessment shall be levied for the construction of sewer main on the other side of the lot.
(2) The total front foot assessments of corner lots for curb and gutter and/or sidewalk shall not exceed the total footage of the longest side.
(H) Assessment of multi-sided lots for curb and gutter and/or sidewalk. Except as provided in Chapter 153, multi-sided lots shall be assessed as follows: the total front foot assessments for multi-sided lots (lots with more than two sides fronting on a road) for curb and gutter and/or sidewalk shall be computed based upon 50% of the total frontage per lot.
(Prior Code, § 8.08) (Ord. 8-97, passed 6-10-1997; Ord. 3-00, passed 3-23-2000; Ord. 3-02, passed 3-28-2002; Ord. 8-04, passed 10-28-2004; Ord. 01-2009, passed 4-9-2009)
(A) Alternative method selected. As provided in Wis. Stats. § 66.0701, in addition to other methods provided by law, special assessments for any public work or improvement may be levied by alternate methods. The Village Board hereby elects to levy such special assessments as provided in this section.
(B) Preliminary resolution. Whenever the Village Board shall determine that any public work or improvement shall be financed in whole or in part by special assessments levied under this section, it shall adopt a preliminary resolution setting forth the following:
(1) Its intent to exercise its police powers for the purpose of levying special assessments for the stated municipal purpose;
(2) The limits of the proposed assessment district;
(3) The time, either before or after completion of the work or improvement, when the amount of such assessments shall be determined and levied;
(4) The number of installments in which the special assessments may be paid, or that the number of installments shall be determined after the public hearing required by division (D) below, and shall be included in the final resolution;
(5) The rate of interest to be charged on the unpaid installments or that the rate of interest will be determined after the public hearing required by division (D) below, and shall be included in the final resolution;
(6) The terms on which any of such assessments may be deferred while no use of the improvement is made in connection with the property, or that such terms will be determined after the public hearing required by division (D) below, and will be included in the final resolution; and
(7) The Village Engineer shall prepare a report as required by division (C) below.
(C) Report of Village Engineer. Whenever the Village Board, by preliminary resolution, directs the Village Engineer to prepare a report, the Engineer shall prepare a report consisting of the following:
(1) Preliminary or final plans and specifications for the public work;
(2) An estimate of the entire cost of the proposed work or improvement, except that when the Village Board determines by preliminary resolution that the hearing on such assessments shall be held subsequent to the completion of the work or improvement, the report shall contain a statement of the final cost of the work, service, or improvement in lieu of an estimate of such costs;
(3) A schedule of the proposed assessments;
(4) A statement that each property against which the assessments are proposed has been inspected and is benefitted, setting forth the basis for such benefit; and
(5) Upon completion of the report, the Village Engineer shall file a copy of the report with the Village Administrator/Clerk.
(D) Incorporation of statutory provisions. The provisions of Wis. Stats. § 66.0703, including those related to notice, hearing, and the adoption of a final resolution shall, to the extent not inconsistent with this section, apply to special assessments levied under this section.
(E) Lien. Every special assessment levied under this section shall be a lien against the property assessed from the date of the final resolution of the Village Board determining the amount of such levy.
(Prior Code, § 8.09)
(A) Permit required. No person shall construct, install, or replace any culvert or driveway across any sidewalk or curbing without first obtaining a culvert or driveway permit from the Village Engineer at least seven days before work is proposed to be undertaken. The applicant for a culvert or driveway permit shall file the application with the Village Administrator/Clerk and furnish a dimensioned drawing designating his or her property lines, the location and width of the proposed driveway, and the location of any driveway within 50 feet and any street intersection within 150 feet of the proposed driveway.
(B) Fee; deposit. The fee for a culvert replacement or culvert and driveway permit, or for a driveway permit only, shall be in the amount as established by the Village Board from time to time.
(C) Specifications and standards.
(1) Single-family residences.
(a) Number of driveways. Each single-family residence shall have one driveway only.
(b) Width. The driveway shall not be less than ten feet nor more than 28 feet at the curb and 24 feet at the property line with a flare at each side of not more than three feet. The driveway shall not extend in front of the principal building location.
(c) Location. Except in the event of a joint driveway approved by the Plan Commission, driveways shall be located a minimum of five feet from the property line and a minimum of 50 feet from an intersection.
(d) Construction requirements. Driveways and aprons shall be constructed of portland cement or bituminous asphalt. When curb or gutter is removed, the new connection shall be of equivalent acceptable material and curb returns shall be provided or restored in a neat workmanlike manner, subject to approval by the Village Engineer. Driveway surfaces shall connect with the street pavement and sidewalk in a neat workmanlike manner.
(e) Curb cuts. In the event that a curb is removed for a new driveway, the curb and gutter shall be cut and removed and replaced by a new curb return and a new portland cement approach for a minimum depth of seven feet from back of curb.
(2) Two-family residences.
(a) Number of driveways. Each unit shall have one driveway only.
(b) Width. Same as division (C)(1)(b) above. However, in the event that a single driveway serves both units, the driveway shall not be more than 28 feet at the curb line and 24 feet at the property line with a flare at each side of not more than four feet.
(c) Location. Same as division (C)(1)(c) above.
(d) Construction requirements. Same as division (C)(1)(d) above.
(3) Multi-family residences and commercial and industrial buildings.
(a) Number of driveways. The maximum number of driveways per multi-family, commercial, or industrial lot shall be two.
(b) Width. The driveway shall not be less than 12 feet nor more than 30 feet at the curb line and 26 feet at the property line with a flare at each side of not more than five feet.
(c) Location. Driveways shall be located at a minimum of ten feet from the lot line and 50 feet from an intersection.
(d) Construction requirements. Same as division (C)(1)(d) above.
(4) Exceptions. In the event of high volume land uses for commercial and industrial lots, the Plan Commission may grant exceptions with respect to the number and width of driveways in conjunction with site plan approval. In addition, the Commission may grant exceptions to the above requirements to accommodate existing legal nonconforming uses.
(D) Culvert specifications and standards. All culverts placed on or in or along the streets of the village, either under private driveways leading from the public streets to private property or otherwise, shall be of sufficient size and constructed in such manner and of such materials as to provide means for the flow of water naturally accumulating or flowing along the ditches on such streets. Such culvert shall be of corrugated galvanized or aluminized steel construction and be not less than 15 inches in diameter, and shall be at least 24 feet in length to prevent injury to persons or property in the use of streets and the entrance to and exits from the streets over and across such culverts. The Village Engineer shall determine the size and length of the culvert required. All culverts shall be installed on a ground bed of at least four inches and be covered with sufficient gravel to prevent injury to the culvert. Any culvert installed in the village after September 1, 2000, shall have permanent end panels.
(E) Culvert construction procedure. Upon receiving an application for a new or replacement culvert, the Village Engineer shall provide the owner with specific specifications and cause the project to be staked out for grade within seven days. After completion of the project, the owner shall request the Engineer to inspect it. If the Engineer determines that the construction is not in accordance with the specifications, the owner shall have 30 days to make the required corrections and, if not so made, the Engineer shall cause the same to be made and cause the cost thereof to be placed on the tax roll as a special charge pursuant to Wis. Stats. § 66.0627.
(F) Existing culverts and driveways. The Village Engineer may investigate and approve or disapprove the various existing culverts or other drain pipes placed in the streets in the village. The Engineer may require proper end panels to be placed on existing culvert installations where he or she determines it to be in the best interest of the village and the abutting property owners. The Engineer may also require the owner of an abutting property to remove, or cause to be removed, or replaced with adequate facilities, any culverts or drain pipes which do not conform to the requirements as provided herein when, in his or her judgment, it is necessary to do so; either for the orderly construction, maintenance, or repair of any such street or in providing for a proper drainage system thereon.
(G) Interference with street prohibited. No concrete surfaced driveway apron shall extend out into the street farther than the face of the curb or road right-of-way in rural cross-section streets. All driveways with culverts shall be so constructed that a depression or low point is placed between the edge of pavement and culvert.
(H) Conditions for building permits. No building permit for the lot or parcel shall be issued by the Building Inspector until he or she is satisfied that the driveway, culvert, and ditch grading or curb opening has been properly placed and that sufficient gravel has been placed on the driveway to afford ingress and egress.
(Prior Code, § 8.10) (Ord. 104-94, passed - -; Ord. 4-00, passed 8-10-2000; Ord. 02-2007, passed - -) Penalty, see § 95.99
(A) Permit required. No person shall move any building into or within the village without a permit from the Village Administrator/Clerk upon 30 days’ notice.
(B) Application. Application for a permit shall be made on a form provided by the Village Administrator/Clerk.
(C) Permit fee. For any building that is moved by use of heavy moving trucks or rollers, the fee shall be $175 plus $0.60 per square foot per level of the building being moved. For any building that is moved by the use of common carrier trucks or skids, the fee shall be $5.
(D) Bond required. Before a permit is issued, the mover must give a bond in the amount of $10,000 with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the Village Attorney, conditioned that the mover shall save the village harmless from any liability arising out of the move and shall restore any street damaged by the move. This provision may be waived for small buildings.
(E) Insurance required. Before a moving permit shall be issued, the applicant shall submit to the Village Administrator/Clerk a certificate of insurance evidencing that the applicant has in force, and will maintain during the term of the permit, public liability insurance of not less than $1,500,000 for any one person, $1,500,000 for any one accident, and $1,000,000 for property damage. See § 95.03(D).
(F) Notice to utilities. Prior to the issuance of said permit, the owner or mover shall certify that he or she has notified all public utilities whose lines or poles may be interfered with during the movement of the building. Such utilities shall take whatever steps are necessary to permit the building to be moved without damage to its lines and poles and may charge the permittee the cost thereof.
(G) Inspection and repair of streets and highways. Every permittee shall, within one day after reaching his or her destination, report that fact to the Public Works Committee Chairperson. The Chairperson shall thereupon inspect the streets and highways over which said building has been moved and ascertain their condition. If the moving of said building has caused any damage to the streets or highways, the house mover shall forthwith place them in as good condition as they were before the permit was granted. Upon failure of the house mover to do so within ten days thereafter to the satisfaction of the Chairperson, the village shall repair the damage done to such streets and highways and hold the sureties of the bond given by the house mover responsible for the payment of the same.
(Prior Code, § 8.11) (Ord. 05-2006, passed 10-26-2006) Penalty, see § 95.99
(A) Numerical addresses shall be assigned by the Village Administrator/Clerk in consultation with the Building Inspector.
(B) The even numbers shall be on the north and east sides of the street, with odd numbers on the south and west sides of the street.
(C) The address assigned shall become the official address of the property and will replace any prior address.
(Ord. 05-2017, passed 4-13-2017)