Except as modified below, on-premises signs where permitted shall be set back a minimum distance of ten feet from the existing or ultimate right-of way, whichever is greater. No off-premises sign shall be erected in front of the required setback line for any structure within the appropriate zoning district.
   (A)   An on-premises ground sign may be permitted to be placed closer than the ten-foot setback requirement, provided the following conditions are met:
      (1)   The maximum height of any ground sign moved closer that the required setback shall be no higher than five feet.
      (2)   In no instance shall any ground sign be permitted closer than five feet from the edge of the public right-of-way. Such sign, if moved to a distance of five feet of the edge of the right-of-way, shall not exceed five feet in height from the ground surface. No mounting with any materials may be used to alter the base of the ground surface.
      (3)   The Village Planning Commission shall approve any sign proposed for placement within the required setback as permitted in this section.
      (4)   The village reserves the right to reject the placement of any sign closer to the right-of-way than the required setback if it is determined that the sign, due to its placement, size, style, lighting or shape; or due to limited right-of-way widths, may result in unsafe vehicular movement or traffic conditions. The determination and recommendation shall be made by the Village Zoning Administrator.
   (B)   An off-premises sign may be permitted to exceed the maximum square footage standard of 64 square feet, provided the following conditions are met:
      (1)   An additional one square foot sign area may be added for each additional foot the sign is placed behind the setback as prescribed by the zoning district in which the sign is permitted or proposed to be located.
      (2)   In no instance shall an off-premises sign be permitted to exceed 128 square feet in area per face.
      (3)   On corner parcels the increase based on additional setback placement shall be dependent on the placement being from the right-of-way line of both streets.
   (C)   Setbacks for public and quasi-public signs. Signs for public and quasi-public uses such as schools, places of worship, libraries, public facilities and institutions may be erected ten feet from an established right-of-way, provided such sign is not within the required sight triangle.
(Ord. 2005-4-11, passed 5-10-05) Penalty, see § 152.99