(A)   Purpose and intent. The R-3 Multi-Family Residential District is hereby created in order that there be areas within the village upon which new multi-family residential uses may be constructed. It is the purpose of this chapter that the areas so designated for R-3 Multi-Family Residential uses be areas which are, at the time of adoption of this chapter, undeveloped tracts of land, and which may be developed for new construction of multi-family housing. It is the intent of this chapter that these areas be developed with new multifamily housing which will add to the quality of the housing within the village.
   (B)   Principal permitted uses. Single, two, and multi-family dwellings.
   (C)   Conditionally permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted only if expressly authorized by the Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of § 152.56, and subject to any limitations and restrictions deemed necessary by the Planning Commission: Any conditionally permitted use as regulated in the R-2 District.
   (D)   Accessary buildings and uses. Any accessory use or structure permitted in the R-2 District.
   (E)   Signs. Any sign permitted in the R-1 District except as hereinafter specified: Any unlighted sign of not over one square foot in area and attached flat against the building for home occupations is permitted.
   (F)   Off-street parking.
      (1)   Single-family dwellings - two off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit.
      (2)   Two-family dwellings - 1½ off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit.
      (3)   Multi-family dwellings - 1½ off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit.
   (G)   Area, yard, and height requirements. Area, yard and height requirements shall be provided as prescribed in § 152.35.
(Ord. 1969-11-22, passed 11- -69; Am. Ord. 1972-6-11, passed - - 72)