(A) In order to classify, regulate, and restrict the use and location of buildings designed for specified uses, to regulate and limit the heights and bulk of buildings, to regulate and determine the area of yards, courts, and other open spaces surrounding buildings, and to regulate and limit the density of population, the village is divided into six zoning districts. The use and area regulations are uniform in each district and said districts shall be known as:
R-1 Single-Family Residence District
R-2 Multi-Family Residential District
R-3 Multi-Family Residential District
PUD Planned Unit Development District
C-1 Downtown Business District
C-2 General Business District
C-3 Commercial District
I-1 Industrial District
I-2 Industrial Park District
(B) The boundaries of these districts are hereby established as shown on the official zoning map of the village. The zoning map and all notations and references and other matters shown thereon shall be and are hereby made a part of this chapter. The zoning map shall be and remain on file in the Zoning Administrator's office.
(C) Except where referenced and noted on the zoning map by a designated line and/or dimensions, the district boundary lines are intended to follow property lines, lot lines, or centerlines of streets, alleys, streams, or railroads as they existed at the time of the passage of this chapter, or the extension of such lines.
(D) The Zoning Administrator shall interpret the boundary lines which are on the zoning map. When the Zoning Administrator's interpretation is disputed, the boundary lines shall be determined by the Board of Appeals as prescribed in § 152.60.
(E) Any territory hereafter annexed to the village shall be in the R-1 Single-Family Residence District unless the Council rezones it to another district at the time of annexation.
(Ord. 1969-11-22, passed 11- -69)