The water distribution system shall be installed according to the following minimum standards:
(A) Water main.
(1) Materials.
(a) All pipe barrel shall conform to ASA specifications A 21.6 pipe centrifugally cast in metal molds for water.
(b) All joints and fittings shall be of the mechanical joint type conforming to ASA specification A21.11 Mechanical Joint Pipe and Fittings.
(c) Valves shall be AWWA NRS, Iron Body, Bronze Mounted, Double disc, parallel seat or tapered seat gate valves equal to Mueller No. A-2380-20 or James B. Clow No.F-2405 with double “O” ring seals. All valves to be counter clockwise opening with 2€ square wrench nut.
(d) Valve boxes shall be of the three-piece buffalo type equal to James B. Clow No. F-2450 or Mueller No. H-10357. The cover to have the word WATER cast thereon.
(2) Installation.
(a) All pipe, valves and fire hydrants to be installed according to the specifications of AWWA C600 AWWA Standard for installation of Cast-Iron Water Mains.
(b) The centerline of the pipe shall be laid in a minimum depth of 4€-0€ below the established grade.
(c) No water main extension that will service a hydrant shall be less in size than six inches.
(d) All water mains that are over 400 feet in length and will be terminated in a dead end shall be at least eight inches. Gate valves shall be installed at the junction of all mains. One valve on each line at the junction, installed as close to the junction as possible.
(e) All water mains that will serve three or more residence units but which will not serve a hydrant shall be at least two inches.
(f) A fire hydrant shall be placed at the end of all mains to facilitate flushing the mains.
(g) The class of pipe used shall be consistent with the laying conditions in tables 6-3 and 6.4 of ASA specifications A-21.6 for 150 psi. service.
(h) The minimum trench width used shall be in accordance to table 2 of ASSA C60O. Whenever it is necessary to deflect the pipe from a straight line, the deflection shall not exceed those given in table 1 “Maximum Permissible Deflection in Laying Mechanical Joint Pipe” of AWWA C600.
(i) All hydrants, plugs, caps, tees, and bends deflecting 22½ degrees or more shall be anchored by metal harnesses of tie rods and clamps. All tie rods and clamps shall be either galvanized or painted with two coats of bitumastic paint after installation.
(j) A hydrostatic test as specified in sections 13.2 or 13.6 of the AWWA C600 specifications shall be performed. The minimum test pressure shall be 100 psi. A leakage test will be performed at the option of the Village Engineer.
(k) The backfill material from the bottom of the pipe shall be sand and fine gravel to a point one foot above the pipe. The balance of the trench shall be backfilled with pit run gravel which shall be puddled with hose and long pipe nozzle after backfilling is completed.
(l) All disturbed surfaces shall be restored to their original conditions subject to the approval of the Village Engineer.
(m) All water taps and water service shutoff valves must be located within the easement or right-of-way area of the water main servicing the property for which the tap is servicing.
(B) Fire hydrants.
(1) All fire hydrants shall be of the AWWA traffic type and equal to Mueller No. A-24015. Hydrants to be counter clockwise opening with two 2½" hose nozzles and one 4" pumper nozzle. Threading to be national standard hose coupling thread. Valve opening to be 5¼" . Depth of bury to be 4" -0" . Inlet connection to be 6 mechanical joint. Operating nut to be national standard 1½" pentagon shaped. All hydrants to be painted red above ground line.
(2) Fire hydrants to be placed at all intersections and in the middle of the block when the length of the block exceeds 500 feet and at the third points of the block when the length of the block exceeds 1000 feet. In general fire hydrants shall be placed so that the distance between hydrants is approximately 500 feet.
(3) A gate valve shall be placed in the line between the hydrant and the main.
(C) Service laterals.
(1) Service laterals are to be installed to the property line of each lot before the street is paved.
(2) All services lateral shall be not less than ¾". A separate service lateral shall be installed to each lot. A curb stop shall be provided for each individual service. The corporation stop shall be Mueller No. H-15000 Mueller thread inlet and copper pipe outlet.
(3) The service pipe shall be type K copper service pipe meeting the requirements of ASTM specification B-99 Type K.
(4) The curb stop shall be of the Minneapolis Pattern, Mueller No. H-15150 with copper to copper connections.
(5) Curb boxes shall be of the extension type with Minneapolis Pattern Base, Mueller No. H-1 0300.
(6) Curb stops and boxes shall be located between curb and sidewalk.
(D) Storm sewers. Storm sewers shall be constructed to the following minimum specifications.
(1) Materials.
(a) Plain concrete pipe. Extra strength concrete pipe shall conform to ASTM Designation C-14 specifications for Concrete Sewer Pipe Extra Strength Pipe.
(b) Reinforced concrete pipe. Reinforced concrete pipe shall conform to ASTM Designation C-76 Classes 1 to V inclusive.
(c) Reinforced elliptical pipe shall conform to ASTM Designation C-75 & C-76 and State of Ohio Designation M-2O6.6 (b).
(d) Bituminous coated corrugated metal pipe shall conform to the requirements of State of Ohio Department of Highways specifications Sections No.M-6.4 (c) Bituminous Coated Corrugated Metal Pipe and Sec. No.M-6.4 (1) Bituminous Coated Corrugated Metal Arch with Integral Base.
(2) Installation.
(a) All pipe shall be installed according to the most recent State of Ohio Department of Highways Construction and Material Specifications Sec. I-1, all pipe shall be tongue and groove joint laid with open joint.
(b) The backfill in all trenches shall be pit run gravel.
(c) Storm sewers shall be laid on a grade such that the minimum velocity will be 2.5 feet per sec. using the proper coefficient for friction for the type of pipe used.
(d) All sewers shall be designated to handle the runoff from the ten-year frequency storm for the area under consideration. The City of Dayton Rainfall Frequency Curves will be used in this design.
(e) All damaged surfaces shall be restored to its original condition upon completion of the project subject to the approval of the Village Engineer.
(f) Laterals and extension for future storm sewers shall be stubbed out to the street right-of-way lines.
(3) Manholes.
(a) Manholes shall be similar to those specified under Sanitary Sewers except that manholes of brick or precast concrete barrel blocks need be parged on the inside face only.
(b) Manholes shall be placed at all changes in vertical or horizontal alignment, at the intersection of two or more sewers at least two of which are 12 inches or larger in size, and at least at 300 feet intervals. A manhole shall be placed at the ends of all main line sewers. The ends of all dead end laterals shall be closed off with a plug and shall be referenced with a four-foot long steel fence post driven flush with the ground.
(c) Upon completion of the job a revised plan shall be given to the village showing the dimensions to all laterals as measured from the closest downstream manhole.
(4) Catch basins.
(a) Catch basins shall be constructed of cast in place concrete, brick or concrete block. In plan the catch basin shall be 2"-O" clear inside dimensions with a minimum depth of 2"-O". The walls of the catch basins shall have a minimum thickness of eight inches and the bottom shall have a minimum depth of eight inches. The bottom of the catch basin shall be sloped to the outlet pipe.
(b) The outlet pipe shall be at least ten inches in diameter.
(c) Catch basin frame, back and grate for vertical face curbs shall be equal to Neenah Foundry Co. #3178.
(d) Catch basin frame and grate for roll curbs shall be equal to Neenah Foundry Company #R-3501-D.
(e) Catch basins shall be spaced not further apart than approximately 350 feet on any continuous slope.
(Ord. 1961-35, passed 6-13-61; Am. Ord. 2011-5-10, passed 8-9-11)