Street, curbs and drainage structures shall conform to the following standards. The section numbers hereinafter referred to are those contained in the most recent specifications of the State of Ohio Department of Highways, Construction and Material specifications in effect at the time of the commencement or construction on the project. All materials and construction practices shall conform to the most recent State Highway specifications in effect at the time of the start of construction.
(A) Excavation and embankment.
(1) Excavation and embankment shall conform to Section E-l Roadway Excavation and Embankment. Wherever possible existing trees shall be saved and protected.
(2) Clearing, grubbing and scalping shall conform to Section E-1.03; Roadway excavation shall conform to Section E-1.05; Embankment shall conform to Section E-1.04 and E-1.08; Subgrade shall be prepared and conform to the requirements of Section E-1.09 and E-1.10; Topsoil shall be removed from all areas to be paved. All areas not covered by pavement, curbs, sidewalks, and driveways shall be finished with a minimum of four inches of top soil salvaged from the scalping operations.
(B) Street grades and typical sections.
(1) The minimum gradient to be used in the construction of any street is 0.50% (6 inches fall in 100 ft.) deviation from this requirement will be allowed only after careful analysis of all factors involved and that reasonable care will be used in constructing the curbs and gutters.
(2) The maximum gradient to be used in construction of any street is 6% for primary and secondary streets, and 8% for minor streets and alleys. The cross-section of the pavement shall have a gradient of 3/16€ per ft. of width, sloping in each direction from the centerline of the pavement. Wherever the pavement is superelevated, the minimum slope or the superelevation shall be 3/16€ per ft. or width. Superelevation shall be accomplished by maintaining the inside curb line at the elevation that would normally be used at sections not on curves, and raising the outside curb to the height required by the superelevation.
(3) The gutter apron of the integral curb and gutter shall be 18€ in width and shall have a cross slope of 1€ per ft. of width. The overall width or the integral curb and gutter shall be 24€. The type or curb and gutter used shall conform to the typical drawings accompanying these specifications. In Industrial, Business or Commercial areas the curb shall be a 6€ high vertical face type as measured from the gutter line. In Residential areas the curb may be a 4€ high rolled face type or 6€ vertical race type.
(4) The area within the right-of-way between the curb and sidewalk referred to herein as the parkway strip shall have a cross slope toward the top of the curb or ¼€ per ft. Deviations from this cross slope will be allowed only upon approval by the Village Engineer to accommodate special existing conditions.
(5) All sidewalks shall have a minimum width of 4€-D€ shall be of uniform width within each block, shall be of portland cement concrete at least 4€ thick and shall have a cross slope of ¼€ per foot of width. Sidewalks shall be located as close to the street right-of-way line as possible. At driveways and alleys, sidewalks shall be reinforced with 6 x 6 - 6/6 42# welded wire mesh.
(6) Transitions slopes from the finished street section to the existing ground lines on either side shall be accomplished with slopes having a maximum gradient of four feet horizontal to one foot vertical. Deviations from this slope will be allowed wherever it is necessary to accommodate special conditions. However care shall be taken to properly protect these slopes to prevent erosion and the resultant accumulation of dirt and debris within the right-of-way.
(C) Base course. Under all flexible pavements an aggregate base course at least eight inches in compacted thickness shall be applied on the properly prepared subgrade. The materials and construction procedures shall conform to Section B-19 Aggregate Base Course. The base course shall be placed only after the integral curbs and gutters have been installed and properly cured. Care shall be taken during compaction so that the curb and gutter is not marred or damaged. All curb and gutter damage during this operation shall be removed and replaced.
(D) Pavement.
(1) Prime coat.
(a) On the properly prepared and compacted base course a prime coat of MC-O shall be applied at the rate of one-half gallon per square yard of surface.
(b) The bituminous materials, MC-O shall meet the requirements of action M-5.3 specifications for medium curing liquified asphalts.
(c) The bituminous material shall be prepared and applied in conformity with Section T-30 Bituminous Prime Coat.
(2) Leveling course.
(a) On the properly prepared and primed base course a leveling course of asphaltic concrete of 1½ inches average compacted thickness shall be applied. The asphaltic concrete shall have a composition meeting the requirements of Section T-35.07 type “A.”
(b) The asphaltic cement shall meet the requirements of Sec. M-5.l, 70-85.
(c) The coarse and fine aggregate shall meet the requirements of Sections B-35.03 and B-35.04.
(d) The asphaltic concrete leveling course shall be applied according to the requirements of action B-35 asphaltic concrete leveling course.
(3) Surface course.
(a) On the properly prepared leveling course a surface course of asphaltic concrete of one inch average compacted thickness shall be applied.
(b) The asphaltic concrete shall have a composition meeting the requirements of Section T-35.09 type “C.”
(c) The asphaltic cement shall meet the requirements of Section M-5-l, 70-85.
(d) The coarse and fine aggregate shall meet the requirements of Sections T-35 and T-35.04.
(e) The asphaltic concrete surface course shall be applied according to the requirements of Section T-35 asphaltic concrete surface course.
(E) Deviation. The foregoing requirements for base and pavement shall be considered as minimum requirements for use on streets serving residential areas, and shall not be construed as prohibiting the use and construction of base and pavement of heavier quality for use on streets serving industrial or commercial areas. The requirements for thickness of base and pavement on streets serving industrial and commercial areas shall be determined by the Village Engineer and shall be consistent with the type and volume of traffic anticipated to be handled. If it is desired to install reinforced portland cement concrete pavement on a granular subbase, the proposed typical section, grade and type of concrete and reinforcing steel shall be approved by the Village Engineer.
(F) Curbs.
(1) Curbs shall be of the concrete integral curb and gutter type meeting the requirements of division (B) above.
(2) Any fill necessary to bring the prepared subgrade up to proper level shall consist of compacted pit run gravel meeting the approval of the Village Engineer.
(3) The materials and construction procedures used shall conform to the requirements of Section 1-12 Concrete Combination Curb and Gutter.
(G) Sidewalks.
(1) Sidewalks shall be of portland cement concrete meeting the requirements of division (B) above. Any fill necessary to bring the prepared and compacted subgrade up to proper level shall consist of compacted pit run gravel meeting the approval of the Village Engineer.
(2) The materials and construction procedures used shall conform to the requirements of Section 1-13 sidewalks.
(H) Drainage and miscellaneous structures. All drainage and miscellaneous structures shall be approved by the Village Engineer and shall be consistent in materials and construction to accommodate the conditions intended to be serviced.
(Ord. 1961-35, passed 6-13-61)