A permanent committee is to be formed to develop, provide and utilize guidelines for installation and repair of sidewalks within the village.
(A) The Mayor will set up a committee of one Council member and three village residents. This committee shall be called the Sidewalk Committee.
(B) The responsibilities of the Sidewalk Committee are as follows:
(1) The committee is to develop additional guidelines not herein included for the general installation and maintenance of sidewalks within the village.
(2) The Committee will be responsible for the development of a yearly sidewalk plan. This plan may include the installation of new sidewalks as well as the maintenance of existing sidewalks. It is the village's intent to install sidewalks wherever possible within the village for the public safety of all residents and visitors.
(3) The yearly sidewalk plan shall be developed over the course of the previous year. There will be a priority for new sidewalk installation as defined by this Committee. Key areas of the village will have higher priority.
(4) The yearly sidewalk plan developed by the Sidewalk Committee shall be presented to the Village Council at the first Council meeting in October of the preceding year.
(5) The Sidewalk Committee must discuss its yearly sidewalk plans with the Village Council so that coordination can be accomplished with Council's street project for the corresponding year. All street projects will include the installation and maintenance of sidewalks.
(6) After approval of the Sidewalk Committee's yearly sidewalk plan by the Village Council, the project will be engineered. All engineering on new sidewalk installation will be done by the village to insure proper grade and placement of the new sidewalks.
(7) After completion of the engineering, a public hearing will be held with all property owners affected by the project. All questions on assessment values will be given to the property owners at that time.
(8) The Sidewalk Committee will establish guidelines to determine when a sidewalk is in need of repair.
(Ord. 1991-1-2, passed 3-12-91)