(A)   When service is terminated for any reason, the Utility will render a final bill addressed to the customer's forwarding address, if known, or to the last known address, for the entire balance of the account, including a calculation from the last reading date to the requested final bill date. The customer may request that the Utility attempt to obtain an actual final meter reading. However, the Utility may estimate the reading for the final bill date, or allow the customer to provide the final meter read subject to the Utility's review for reasonableness, and if necessary the actual reading.
   (B)   When the customer begins use of service, an initial bill is normally rendered for the period from the initial date of service to the first regular meter reading date, this period normally being less than 30 days, except no bill will be rendered if the period is less than three days. However, the customer's usage for that unbilled period will be included and billed in the next month's bill.
   (C)   The Utility may estimate the reading for the initial date of service. However, upon customer request, the Utility will attempt to obtain an actual reading at the initial date of service or allow the customer to provide the initial meter read.
(Ord. 2002-12-43, passed 1-28-03)