(A)   The customer assumes all responsibility for property owned by the customer on customer's side of the point of delivery, generally the outlet side of the meter box, for the service supplied or taken, as well as for the installation of appliances used in connection therewith, and will hold the Utility harmless from and against all claims for injury or damage to persons or property occasioned by or in any way resulting from such service or the use thereof on the customer's side of the point of delivery.
   (B)   Overhead. When service is supplied from an overhead system, the customer must first submit a plan to the village so that the village can approve the location of the delivery point. Once the village has approved the location, the village will provide the customer's electrician with the necessary meter base. After the customers electrician has installed the meter base and weather head, the customer's electrician must install the appropriate conductor up the weather head and extend it 18 inches beyond the end so that the utility can make proper electric connection. Once the installation has passed all the necessary inspections, the village will install the necessary equipment to complete the electric service to the facility.
   (C)   Underground. When service is supplied from an underground distribution system, the customer must first submit a plan to the village so that the village can approve the location of the delivery point. Once the village has approved the location, the village will provide the customers electrician with the necessary meter base. It is the customer's responsibility to install the necessary equipment from the facility to the village's step down transformer or nearest utility junction box. The village will make final connection of these conductors to its electric equipment.
   (D)   All inside wiring must be grounded in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code, and the requirements of any local inspection service authorized by the Village of New Bremen. When a customer desires that energy be delivered at a point or in a manner other than that designated by the Utility, the customer shall pay the additional cost of same.
(Ord. 2002-12-43, passed 1-28-03)