(A)   Availability.  
      (1)   This schedule is available to all consumers located along existing electric distribution lines of village (hereinafter referred to as Utility) who use Utility's standard service and who guarantee the monthly billing capacity specified by service application or contract, but not less than 150 kW.
      (2)   Service under this schedule will be furnished only on a 12 months non-seasonal basis by contract in accordance with the following stipulations and also in accordance with Utility's general rules and regulations or subsequent revisions thereof, which are a part of this rate schedule as if fully written herein.
      (3)   A separate bill shall be rendered for each separate service drop and meter location.
   (B)   Net rate per month per service or per transformer installation.
      (1)   The total monthly billing shall be the sum of the charges, (A), (B), (C) and (D) that follow:
(A)   Service charge:
$100.00 per month
(B)   Capacity charge:
$10.00 per kW of billing capacity
(C)   Reactive charge:
$ 0.50 per RkW
(D)   Energy charge:
$0.045 per kWh
      (2)   All billings under the above rates shall be subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth below relating to power supply cost adjustment, determination of monthly kW and RkW billing capacity, billing kW, RkW and kWh, monthly minimum charge and other adjustments that follow.
   (B)   Power supply cost adjustment. The rates and charges set forth in this schedule are subject to increase or decrease in conformance to the adjustment specified in Utility's Rider "A".
   (C)   Determination of monthly kW and RkW billing capacity. 
      (1)   The kW and RkW billing capacity (to nearest kW) shall normally be determined by measurement, using the highest 15 minute integrated or equivalent thermal kW and RkW capacity.
      (2)   The kW billing capacity shall be determined as above, but in no event shall it be less than 150 kW nor less than the highest kW as determined by any of the following methods:
         (a)   The minimum kW capacity specified by Utility and set forth in consumer's service application or contract with Utility. In specifying paid minimum contract capacity in kW, Utility will take into consideration the system capacity and companion investment required and/or reserved in order to adequately supply both the consumer's initial and probable future requirements.
         (b)   For consumers with a time-differentiated demand meter installed, the measured demand will be the greater of the maximum measured demand in the on-peak period or 50% of the maximum measured demand during the off-peak period. The peak period is defined as the 12-hour period between 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on all non-holiday weekdays. All other time is defined as off-peak. Holidays are New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. This off-peak provision is available to any Schedule "LP" Consumer which pays the Utility for the complete installed cost of the metering equipment necessary for determining time-differentiated demands.
   (D)   Billing kW, RkW and kWh. The foregoing rates are based upon all service being metered at Utility's primary voltage available at consumer's premises. Utility reserves the right to meter at either the primary or secondary voltage as determined by Utility. If metered at secondary voltage, the billing kW, RkW and kWh shall be the metered kW, RkW and kWh multiplied by 1.03.
   (E)   Monthly minimum charge.  
      (1)   The monthly minimum charge under this schedule shall be the applicable capacity charge plus the applicable service charge, but not less than the minimum charge specified in consumer's service application or contract with Utility. There shall be added to the monthly minimum charge as determined above, any applicable power supply cost adjustment. Said adjustment shall be applied to the billing kWh as determined herein.
      (2)   The minimum charge is applicable on a 12 months year around basis and seasonal disconnects will not avoid the applicable minimum billing capacity and resultant monthly minimum charge.
   (F)   Terms of payment. If a bill payment is not received by the Utility or by the Utility's authorized agent on or before the specified payment date (the tenth of the month), a onetime, additional amount of 10% of the amount of the bill will become due and payable as part of the customer's total obligation.
(Ord. 2012-10-13, passed 11-13-12)