(A)   Should any land owner within the village desire to drill or excavate a well, said land owner must submit an application which contains the purpose of the well, the expected drilling depth of the well, and the name of the driller who will be doing the drilling and excavating work, along with a permit fee of $500 to the Village Administrator. The Village Administrator will then schedule a public hearing of the Village Utility Committee to determine whether the well is of such a nature that it could contaminate or endanger the village water system or its water reserves.
      (1)   If the well is not of the nature that could endanger the village water system or reserves, the Utility Committee will advise the Village Administrator within two working days after the public hearing, and the Village Administrator will submit said application to an Ohio licensed engineering firm qualified to advise the village on subterranean water supply issues, who will be hired by the village to advise the Administrator as to whether the planned well could in any way interfere or contaminate the village's current water supply. The application fee of $500 will be used to offset the fee for the engineer's review. If the engineer advises the Village Administrator that there is no possible danger to the village water supply, the Village Administrator shall approve the application and allow the well to be drilled.
      (2)   If the well is of the nature that could endanger the village water supply, then the Utility Committee will advise the Village Administrator within two working days after the public hearing, and the Village Administrator will advise the land owner that his or her application is denied and the reason for said denial.
   (B)   Any permit issued by the Village Administrator for the drilling of a well pursuant to this section shall prohibit any effluent from the well from being discharged into the village sanitary sewer system.
   (C)   Any person who violates this section shall be fined not less than $100, nor more than $1,000 for each day that a well exists on the property, beginning with the day drilling or excavation has begun for a well and continuing until the well is sealed as defined in R.C. § 1521.05(A)(6). Each day shall be a separate violation.
(Ord. 2005-1-4, passed 1-28-05)