(A)   The safety policy on the Bloodborne Pathogens Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
   (B)   The safety policy on Confined Space Entry Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
   (C)   The safety policy on Electrical Safety-Related Work Practices, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
(Ord. 2002-3-12, passed 3-26-02)
   (D)   The safety policy on the Personal Protective Equipment Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
   (E)   The safety policy on Respiratory Protective Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
   (F)   The safety policy on Control of Hazardous Energey Lock/Tag Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
(Ord. 2002-3-14, passed 3-26-02)
   (G)   The safety policy on the Hearing Conservation Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
   (H)   The safety policy on Village Contractors Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
   (I)   The safety policy on Hazard Communications Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
(Ord. 2002-4-15, passed 4-9-02)
   (J)   The safety policy on the Hat Works Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
   (K)   The safety policy on Machine Guarding and Hand/Portable Power Tool Program, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
(Ord. 2002-4-17, passed 4-23-02)
   (L)   The safety policy on Cranes, Hoists and Slings Written Program Documentation, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the village and shall be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
(Ord. 2002-10-39, passed 10-22-02)
   (M)   The safety policy on the Safety Policy Statement, Reporting of Injuries, Treatment Providers, Wage Agreements, Return-to-Work Policies, and additional Safety Rules, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as a safety policy for the Village of New Bremen and be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
(Ord. 2003-11-32, passed 12-9-03)
   (N)   The safety policies on the Hazardous Communications and on Protective Eyewear, on file in the office of the Village Administrator, shall be adopted as safety policies for the Village of New Bremen and be made a part of the New Bremen Safety Policy Manual.
(Ord. 2003-12-36, passed 1-27-04)