(A)   The Mayor has, within the village limits, all the powers conferred upon sheriffs to suppress disorder and keep the peace.
   (B)   The Mayor shall award and issue all writs and process that are necessary to enforce the administration of justice throughout the village. The Mayor shall subscribe his name and affix his official seal to all writs, process, transcripts, and other official papers. A Mayor's Court Magistrate, in hearing and determining prosecutions and criminal causes that are within the scope of his authority under R.C. § 1905.05, has the same powers and duties as are granted to or imposed upon a Mayor under this division.
   (C)   The Mayor shall be disqualified in any criminal case in which he was the arresting officer, assisted in the arrest, or was present at the time of arrest, and shall not hear the case.
(R.C. § 1905.20)