All temporary or enabling enactments or official actions taken by the Council intended to have only temporary, or enabling, or regulatory effect as rules or directions to carry out the intent of a law of the state or an ordinance of the Council shall be in the form of an entitled a regulation. The regulation shall be in writing, shall have a heading stating its subject and a specific reference to the governing statute or county ordinance pursuant to which it is enacted, shall relate only to matters encompassed by the controlling statute or ordinance, shall be divided into sections with appropriate subtitles, shall be enacted in public session by at least a majority of those members of the Council present and voting which vote shall be recorded and no vote by proxy permitted, and shall be signed by the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson presiding and attested by the Clerk to Council. A regulation shall be effective upon the date of enactment unless otherwise specifically provided in the regulation.
(Ord. 05-06-01, passed 5-2-2001)