General requirements for all Stormwater Management and Sediment Control Plans will include, but are not limited to the following:
   (A)   Select land where the drainage pattern, topography and soils are favorable for the intended use. Tracts of land vary in suitability for different uses. Knowing the major characteristics of the land area and kinds of soil helps in identifying and evaluating potential problems.
   (B)   Expose the smallest practical area of land to the elements for the least possible time during development.
   (C)   When feasible, retain and protect natural vegetation. Save topsoil, where practical, for replacing on graded areas.
   (D)   Use temporary plant cover, mulching, or structures to control runoff and protect areas subject to erosion during construction.
   (E)   Wherever possible, utilize natural drainage structures, with minimal or no manmade improvements, to handle the increase run-off from development.
   (F)   Engineer the drainage systems of the development according to the Newberry County Development Guidelines.
   (G)   Use sediment basins, filter fencing, rock check dams, and/or other forms of silt traps, where required, to remove heavy sediment loads from runoff waters leaving the disturbed area.
   (H)   Install the permanent vegetative cover and the long-term erosion protection structures as soon as practical in the development process.
(Am. Ord. 06-21-05, passed 6-15-2006)