(A)   Ordinances may be introduced by any member of the County Council and all ordinances must be submitted to the Clerk to Council in writing.
   (B)   The Clerk to Council shall assign a calendar number to the proposed ordinance, with the name of the sponsor noted on thereon.
   (C)   The County Attorney or his or her assistant(s) shall review the proposed ordinance as to form. The County Attorney shall also ensure that the ordinance has been given a proper title. The County Administrator shall review proposed ordinances as to form.
   (D)   Ordinances shall be listed on the calendar by number, sponsor, and title, in the order in which they are introduced and reported out by the County Administrator's office.
   (E)   Notice of time and place of hearings for those ordinances requiring public hearings (readings) must be published 15 days in advance of the public hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county.
   (F)   A first reading of an ordinance shall be recorded in the minutes of Council, and if the first reading is by title only, then that shall be noted in the minutes. No amendments, except to the name of the ordinance can be made to an ordinance adopted by title only at first reading until the second reading is
given, but if not adopted by title only, then any amendments otherwise shall allowed shall be entertained by the Chair at first reading. If all members are provided with a copy of an ordinance, no verbatim reading is required.
   (G)   The second reading of the ordinance may not be on the same calendar day as the first reading. On second reading, a proposed ordinance may be fully debated, amended, tabled, and the like. After discussion, the ordinance is voted on by voice vote or roll call. A roll call vote shall be required on second reading for all contested ordinances.
   (H)   There shall be at least 7 calendar days between the second and third readings of a proposed ordinance. On third reading, the proposed ordinance may be acted on in the same manner as for the second reading. If adopted by majority vote of the County Council, the proposed ordinance becomes an official ordinance.
   (I)   The Clerk to Council shall be responsible for indexing and providing for compilation of the adopted ordinance in the Code of Ordinances.
   (J)   The Clerk to Council and the County Attorney shall cause a copy of the adopted ordinance to be filed in the office of the Clerk of Court. A record of filing shall be maintained by the Clerk to Council.
   (K)   The Clerk to Council and the County Attorney shall ensure that the adopted ordinance is forwarded to the consultant and publisher for printed revisions of the Code of Ordinances.
   (L)   The Clerk to Council, or designee, shall cause a copy of the revised code sections, once received from the publisher, to be forwarded to the officials in the county as the Council may from time to time designate and to the private parties as may subscribe to the distribution service.
(Ord. 05-06-01, passed 5-2-2001; Am. Ord. 10-42-05, passed 10-19-2005)