(A) Any person desiring to be heard during the regular Council meeting must submit his or her request to the Administrator or Clerk to Council prior to 12:00 p.m. 1 week prior to the next regular Council meeting scheduled for the following Wednesday or in the case of a special session a time and date set by the Clerk to Council but in no event less than 48 hours before the meeting.
(B) Each request must give the name and address of the person appearing, the nature of his presentation, and the estimated time length for the presentation.
(C) In the event that a presentation should be made on behalf of the organization or group of persons, the organization or group will designate 1 spokesperson to make the presentation on behalf of that particular group or organization.
(D) If the Chairperson of the Council determines that there is insufficient time available for a personal appearance at a particular meeting, he or she may schedule the personal appearance for any subsequent meeting, considering the availability of time. The Chairperson may, in his or her discretion, establish time limits for any presentation or personal appearance.
(E) No person shall be allowed to make personal appearances, presentations, present petitions, or otherwise be recognized from the floor for comments, except as permitted under the agenda, except those who may elect to speak briefly regardless as to subject under the public comments section of the agenda.
(F) This procedure shall not be applicable to Council staff members or other county employees who may be recognized by the Chairperson for questions and comments relating to the business of the Council.
(Ord. 05-06-01, passed 5-2-2001)