Any temporary or enabling enactment, regulation, or action expressing the policy, intent, or sense of the Council shall be in the form of an entitled resolution and shall:
   (A)   Be in writing, shall have a heading stating its subject and a specific reference to the governing statute or county ordinance pursuant to which it is enacted, if any; it shall relate only to matters encompassed by the controlling statute or ordinance; and it shall be divided into sections with appropriate subtitles;
   (B)   Be enacted in public session by at least a majority of those members of the Council present and voting. The vote will be recorded;
   (C)   Be signed by the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson presiding and attested and sealed by the Clerk to Council; and
   (D)   Become effective upon the date of enactment unless otherwise specified in the resolutions.
(Ord. 05-06-01, passed 5-2-2001; Am. Ord. 10-42-05, passed 10-19-2005)