§ 33.113 MEMBERSHIP.
   The membership of the Stormwater Board shall hereinafter consist of the following:
   (A)   The Mayor, or his or her designee, who shall serve as Chairperson at all times during his or her tenure in the office;
   (B)   One member appointed by majority vote of the members of the Common Council, provided that the member shall be a registered professional engineer, and further provided that the member shall not otherwise be a paid or unpaid official or employee of the city. The member shall serve an initial term of two years; and
   (C)   One member appointed by majority vote of the members of the Common Council, provided that the member shall not otherwise be a paid or unpaid official or employee of the city. The member shall serve an initial term of three years.
(Ord. G-06-20, passed 6-5-2006)