§ 33.086 MEMBERSHIP.
   The Animal Control Advisory Commission shall be composed of five voting members whose selection should be based on interest and knowledge of animal control and welfare. All members shall serve without compensation and no limit shall be set on the number of terms a Commissioner can serve. Members shall be chosen as follows:
   (A)   One representative each from the Floyd County Animal Rescue League and the Floyd County Humane Society, chosen by their respective Boards of Directors;
   (B)   One representative shall be chosen from the general public by the Common Council;
   (C)   Two representatives chosen by the Mayor, one of whom shall be a licensed veterinarian;
   (D)   The city’s Animal Warden shall ex officio and be a nonvoting member of the Commission; and
   (E)   The county’s Animal Warden may ex officio and be a nonvoting member of the Commission.
(Ord. G-89-185, passed 9-21-89)