(A)   Immediately prior to introduction, each ordinance and resolution shall have assigned to it by the City Clerk a bill number. The bill number shall consist of a letter prefix, as hereinafter prescribed, followed by the last two digits of the calendar year in which introduced, and followed by the number in the sequence of introduction within each particular month. All bills, regardless of subject matter shall be numbered in the same sequence for the year. Upon passage of an ordinance, the Clerk shall assign to it a number in the order of its passage, each of the four types of ordinances to be numbered in a separate sequence, beginning with number one for each such type, together with the appropriate prefix therefor as hereinafter prescribed. The prefix for appropriation ordinances, to be used both on bill numbers and ordinance numbers shall be the letter "A". The prefix for zoning map ordinances both for bill numbers and ordinance numbers shall be the letter "Z". The prefix for annexation ordinances, both for bill numbers and ordinance numbers shall be the letter "X". The prefix for general ordinances, both for bill numbers and ordinance numbers shall be the letter "G". The Clerk shall also assign a number to each resolution upon its adoption. Resolutions shall be numbered in a separate sequence, beginning with number one, to which number there shall be added the prefix "R". The same prefix shall be used with bill numbers assigned to the resolution at the time of introduction.
   (B)   All ordinances shall be read at least three times by the Clerk and no ordinance shall be passed upon the same day or at the same meeting it is introduced except by unanimous consent of the members present, at least two-thirds vote of the elected members of the Council.
   (C)   An ordinance upon introduction shall be read by the Clerk the first time in full; thereupon, it shall be on second reading. While on the second reading, the ordinance shall be open for amendments; thereafter, upon motion duly adopted, it shall be read the second time by title and referred to the proper committee and engrossed.
   (D)   After second reading and referral to committee, the committee shall report out its recommendation as to whether the ordinance shall pass; whereupon, after concurrence or nonconcurrence by the Common Council in the committee report, the ordinance shall be on third reading, at which time it shall again be subject to amendment; thereafter, on motion duly adopted, it may be placed upon its passage and in such instance shall be finally voted upon.
   (E)   The committee to which an ordinance is referred may recommend the amendment thereof in its report thereon, and concurrence in such a report shall cause the ordinance so reported on to be so amended.
   (F)   Any ordinance failing to receive a majority of the votes upon second reading shall still proceed to a third reading and final vote, unless stricken from the files or otherwise disposed of by the Common Council.
   (G)   Any ordinance failing to receive a sufficient number of votes on final passage will be considered as lost; provided that, the vote thereon may be reconsidered within the time and in the manner provided in § 30.22.
   (H)   Any amendment to an ordinance may be referred, delayed or otherwise disposed of without delay or prejudice to the ordinance itself.
   (I)   A resolution may be acted upon at the meeting at which it is introduced or may be referred to the appropriate committee as determined by a majority of the Council; further any member may request a reading of the resolution in its entirety and when the request is made, the Clerk shall read the resolution.
   (J)   No appropriation ordinance requiring approval of the state’s Tax Board shall be passed on more than two readings at any one meeting of the Council.
(Ord. 4600, passed 3-4-1957; Ord. G-92-135A, passed 12-7-1992; Ord. G-13-05, passed 3-4-2013)