(A)   No person shall willfully park, store, leave or consent to the parking or storing on any public or private property in the city unlicensed, unused, wrecked, partly dismantled or abandoned junk motor vehicles or any other motor vehicle which is not in operating condition except in an enclosed building or garage, or in a duly licensed junkyard; or towing service yard for a period not to exceed 30 days. The absence of current license plates from any such motor vehicle shall be prima facie evidence that the same is unlicensed and not in operating condition.
   (B)   The City Manager, or his or her agent, or the Chief of Police, may send notice, by certified mail with return receipt requested, to the person having the right to the possession of the property on which a junk motor vehicle is left, that within ten days of receipts of the notice, the junk motor vehicle either shall be covered by being housed in a garage or other suitable structure, or shall be removed from the property.
   (C)   No person shall willfully leave a junk motor vehicle uncovered in the open for no more than ten days after receipt of a notice as provided in this section. The fact that a junk motor vehicle is so left is prima-facie evidence of willful failure to comply with the notice, and each subsequent period of 30 days that a junk motor vehicle continued to be left so constitutes a separate offense.
(Prior Code, § 7.07.02) Penalty, see § 96.99