(A)   The following structures shall be equipped with a key lock box at or near the main entrance or such other location required by the Fire Chief:
      (1)   Commercial or industrial structures protected by an automatic alarm system or automatic suppression system, or such structures that are secured in a manner that restricts access during an emergency, or such structures that have mechanical or electrical rooms within the building that is denied access through locked doors;
      (2)   Multi-family residential structures containing four or more residential living units, multi-family residential complexes containing two or more buildings and in which access to the building(s) or to common areas or mechanical or electrical rooms within the building is denied through locked doors;
      (3)   Governmental structures and nursing care facilities and hospitals;
      (4)   Any building or facility containing a quantity of hazardous materials which would require compliance with Title III of SARA (Superfund Amendment Reauthorization Act, being 42 U.S.C. §§ 1101 et seq.); and
      (5)   Buildings or structures used for public assembly including, places of worship and private clubs.
   (B)   All newly constructed structures subject to this section shall have the key lock box installed and operational prior to the issuance of occupancy permit. All structures in existence on the effective date of this section and subject to this section shall have one year from the effective date of this section to have a key lock box installed and operational.
   (C)   The Fire Chief shall designate the type of key lock box system to be implemented within the city and shall have the authority to require all structures to use the designated system.
   (D)   The owner or operator of a structure required to have a key lock box shall, at all times, keep a key in the lock box that will allow for access to the structure.
   (E)   The Fire Chief shall be authorized to implement rules and regulations for the use of the lock box system.
   (F)   Any person who owns or operates a structure subject to this section shall be subject to penalties for any violation of this section. Whenever the Fire Chief, or his or her duly authorized agent, has reason to believe there has been or there exists a violation of this subchapter, he or she shall give written notice of such violation to the person failing to comply, and order said person to take corrective measures within 30 days from the date of the notification. If such person fails to comply with the duly issued order, the Fire Chief, or his or her agent, shall initiate necessary actions to terminate the violation through criminal or civil measures. Any violation of this subchapter shall constitute a class four misdemeanor. Subsequent to the 30-day period following notification of violation, each day of violation shall constitute a separate violation.
(Prior Code, § 19.01.01)