The Community Relations Commission shall:
   (A)   Promote mutual understanding and respect among all sections of the city community and work to discourage and prevent discrimination practices against any such group;
   (B)   Disseminate information and educational materials and reports which will assist in the elimination of prejudice, intolerance, intergroup tensions and discrimination or which will promote goodwill and promote programs of community education and information with the object of promoting better human relations;
   (C)   Assist various groups and agencies of the community to cooperate in educational campaigns devoted to the elimination of group prejudices, racial or area tensions and intolerance of discrimination;
   (D)   Cooperate with city, state, federal and other agencies in order to promote better human relations;
   (E)   Recommend such legislation as may be deemed appropriate and necessary to promote harmony in the field of human relations and continually assist in the preparation of city legislation in terms of its human relations impact and to establish policies for the sanction of persons found to be in violation of § 33.31 more than once, send annual notices of these policies to real estate agents, landlords, lending institutions and others;
   (F)   Prepare and submit an annual report of its activities to the City Council and to make such other reports and recommendations to the City Council, from time to time, as it may deem necessary for the furtherance of improved human relations in the city;
   (G)   Adopt such rules and regulations of self-government as may be necessary to carry out the purpose and provisions of § 33.31;
   (H)   Receives and investigates complaints and initiates its own investigations of:
      (1)   Racial, religious, ethnic and other group tensions, prejudice, intolerance, bigotry and disorder occasioned thereby; and
      (2)   Discrimination as defined by § 33.30 against any person, group of persons, organizations or corporations, whether practiced by private persons, associations or other group.
   (I)   Hold hearings, subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and, in connections therewith, to require the production for examination of any books or papers relating to any matter under investigation or in question before the Commission.
(Prior Code, § 3.07.12)